Chapter 66: Three Galleons

Start from the beginning

I sounded harsh, I didn't mean to be. But I'd obviously hurt him because he dipped his head and bit down on his bottom lip.

So I backtracked, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"No, it's fine. I get it. I just thought maybe thinking about that instead of everything else might help you forgot about it all for a while." He said.

Great. Now I felt worse.

Sebastian's attempt to lighten the mood had backfired, and I felt another pang of guilt for snapping at him. He had been nothing but supportive lately. And I felt like a bloody bitch.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian," I repeated, "I appreciate you, really. It's just that with everything that's happened, I've been struggling to keep my mind on track."

Sebastian looked at me, his eyes softening. "I know, love. We're both going through a lot right now, and it's alright to feel overwhelmed. I just want to make sure you're okay."

I smiled and got up from the table, tucking his head against my chest and kissing his soft hair.

Sebastian's willingness to understand and forgive my occasional outbursts meant the world to me and I prayed he would keep that up if I did end up pregnant because lord have mercy on his soul if he wasn't so patient with me.

He sighed deeply into my blouse, his arms squeezing me and I swore I felt a hand brush against my stomach. I rolled my eyes, but let him do it. It made me smile how much he cared and wished for this. Then I felt bad for making him feel awful about it.

"Come on. We should probably get to work so we can visit this woman later." I said, swallowing down my feelings for now.

We went to work, but did I get any work done? No. I twiddled my thumbs while my new partner went over all the work for our new assignment.

This one was boring. Bland. I suspect they gave it to me because of what happened with my last assignment. It was so boring, I had to focus incredibly hard on keeping myself awake. I was exhausted.

Sebastian saved me from my boredom-induced demise by telling my partner I was needed for a quick meeting, but it turns out that meeting was getting me out of work early so we could head to Mrs. Harris' house.

"Thank you for saving me, that assignment is absolutely boring and my new work partner isn't much better." I said, our fingers lacing together as we were finally out of sight of the building.

"Of course. Though I don't know how you put up with Lawson for so long. He's way too energetic for me." Sebastian whined.

They'd paired the both of them up for their next assignment and I was suddenly feeling quite left out. Lawson was my partner first. Then Ominis'. Not Sebastian's.

"We were almost driven to sleep-deprived insanity, if you recall. He wasn't exactly the cheery sort when we worked together." I reminded him.

"Hmm, I suppose so. But either way, he's too chirpy. Particularly first thing in the morning."

I bit my tongue, making a conscious effort to not make a comment about how annoying it must be to have someone asking you ridiculous questions first thing in the morning like 'are you nauseous yet?'

Instead, I hummed in agreement.

As we inched closer to the door of the home we'd been to previously, my heart rate increased to a ridiculously high amount and it had me feeling quite woozy.

"I can't do this... you have to do it yourself." I practically begged Sebastian.

"Oh, no you don't. You'll come in, you'll eat and drink tea while I talk and then we will leave." Sebastian said, his hand moving upwards to grip my arm and stop me from running away.

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