Chapter 47: Do Not Go Gentle

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I hope you like it, be sure to take a peek at the dress I chose if you'd like, it's the Unique Vintage Burgundy & Gold Sequin Lina Fringe Flapper Dress.


"I don't understand why I'm here," Brenna whined as she flopped down onto the couch.

"It's a momentous occasion, love, stop whining," Nik smirked at her as she glared.

"Yes, it will be momentous when it actually happens. But Bekah has been gone for a couple of days dealing with Ric's alter ego, who knows when she'll be back with the stake."

"Don't you like my company?" he smiled at her as he painted.

"Well, I love it, but I'm bored. I've been here for 2 hours and you won't let me do anything fun."

"Just because I wouldn't let you paint clouds on my art with shaving cream, doesn't mean I'm depriving you of entertainment."

"I just wanted to spice up your picture, they're all dark and twisted."

"I'm dark and twisted."

"No, you're not," Brenna scoffed, making him turn to look at her. "You're kind of like a carebear."

Nik then scowled and stormed out of the room and Brenna raised her eyebrows, she didn't think he'd crack that easily. One minute after leaving he came back into the room and tossed her a book that she scrambled to catch. "There, entertain yourself."

"Inferno? Really?" she huffed as she looked over the cover.

"Well it's where you're headed, best familiarise yourself with the environment," he joked at her and she faked laughter right before Rebekah walked in.

"Oh thank god," Brenna said excitedly.

"What took you so long?" he asked.

"Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake," she shrugged as she sauntered into the room.

"You didn't hurt him did you?" Brenna asked.

"No," she said holding the last white oak stake in the air. "Luckily I'm quite the charmer," she said and Brenna snorted slightly.

"Hush," Nik chided Brenna while he smiled at her. "That's it?" he asked his sister.

"The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us," Rebekah said holding it out towards Nik. "Do you want to do the honours or shall I?" Nik then grabbed the stake from Rebekah and threw it into the fire. "Well, that's that then," she said as she turned to walk away.

"Pack your bags, we're leaving," Nik said to the both of them.

Rebekah froze. "Today?" she asked worriedly. Brenna frowned as she studied her friend, something wasn't quite right with her.

"Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. Brenna's finally agreed to come with Kol, all we need to do is grab the doppelgänger and be off by sunset."

"What!" Brenna snapped standing up. He had not filled her in on this detail.

"But tonight's the decade dance," Rebekah complained.

"So?" Nik asked.

"Excuse me? Can we revisit the whole Elena thing please?"

"So, I'm head of the committee. We have to go."

"I'm not going to any dance," Nik refused.

"Brenna will be there," Rebekah enticed. Brenna turned to look at her friend in shock. She was acting strange.

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