Chapter 35: The New Deal

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"I'm not in the mood," Brea groaned.

"Tell me," Jeremy pleaded. "Come on you owe me."

"Excuse me! I do not," Brea laughed.

"Yeah, you do."

"What for?" Brea asked.

"I told Elena you stayed at Matt's last night so you wouldn't have to go on a run this morning."

"I gave you $5 for that! We're even."

"Tell me where you hid the Bambi DVD or I'm calling Elena."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Elena! I found Brea, she's up here!" he yelled and Elena came running up the stairs.

"You're dead traitor," Brea hissed.

"Brea, hey!" Elena said coming to stand in the doorway. "We thought you were at Matt's. Come on we're going for a run, it's part of Ric's training," she said pulling out Brea's workout gear and throwing them on the bed.

"I don't want to," Brea whined.

Elena laughed and threw the covers off of Brea. "Don't care. You promised Ric you'd do more work, you really slacked off this past week."

"Yeah, I know. Because Rebekah ran out on me. I'm not in the mood, Elena, there's other stuff as well, I just don't want to talk about it," Brea said pulling the covers back up.

Elena gave Jeremy a look and he left the room. "Brea. You know how sorry I am about Rebekah leaving. I feel awful."

"It's not your fault. You didn't do anything"

"I..." Elena stuttered. "The whole homecoming night plot was Damon and I's idea. We're the reason Rebekah left, we panicked her. But you have to take your mind off it. You haven't heard from her all week. I'm sorry, but we've got to get you moving. It's the best thing for you."

"Fine!" Brea groaned. "Make it an easy run, I've got training with a friend later today."

Elena sighed. "By friend, you mean Tyler. I don't think you should go, Brea. He's sired, he's dangerous."

"It's not Tyler."

"Ok, sure," Elena said sarcastically leaving her room. "Get dressed we leave in 5."

"It's really not Tyler," Brea muttered before getting ready.


"Slow down!" Brea yelled as she trailed behind her sister on their run. "I'm dying."

"You're not dying," Elena called back, not slowing down.

"Hey, I'd know," Brea puffed. "Done it a few times," she said. Elena then picked up speed and started sprinting. "Lena," Brea groaned as she tried to increase her speed also. Elena quickly ran out of puff and came to a screeching halt unexpectedly, causing Brea to crash into the back of her sister and bounce off onto the ground.

"You ok?" Elena laughed holding out her hand to pull Brea off the ground.

"I landed on my butt," Brea moaned and Elena laughed and turned around to walk home when the girls saw a suspicious-looking man running toward them.

"Let's go," Elena said nervously, she'd been very on edge lately.

"Urgh!" Brea groaned as she ran after her sister.

After running for a minute Elena looked behind her and saw the man was still behind them. "He's still there," Elena said nervously.

"So? He's probably one of those freaks who like to run in the morning."

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