Chapter 65: I'm Ready*

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But if I didn't do it, I'd be a widow...

That's irrelevant. You still did it.

It was as if Sebastian sensed the torment in my mind as he yanked me out of the bed and threw me into a cool shower to wake up while he made me a coffee. I pretended it helped. It didn't.

"Thanks," I murmured, taking a sip of the hot, bitter liquid. It scalded my tongue, but it was a welcome distraction.

Sebastian leaned against the kitchen counter, his gaze fixed on me. "You're eating yourself alive with this, aren't you?"

"Just a little." I responded, placing the mug back on the table.

Sebastian's shoulders rolled back a little, "Well, don't. Blaming yourself won't change what's happened. We did what we had to do to protect ourselves. Harris made his choices, and we can't carry that burden for him."

Sebastian was increasingly right most of the time. I'm not sure if I loved it or hated that he was now the voice of reason. It meant I was slipping. Though his words didn't calm my stomach nor my head.

He pushed himself away from the counter and walked over to me. He took my hands in his, his eyes locking onto mine with a deep intensity. "Olive, it will be alright. I promise."

I felt a lump in my throat as Sebastian's eyes bore into mine. I nodded, unable to find my voice, and he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Come on, the sooner we get it over with, the sooner we get back to normal, alright?" Sebastian's mouth tickled my scalp and he hummed words of reassurance into my ear.

I responded with some sort of sound but I'm glad he understood as he stood up again and helped me to my feet.

We headed out the door and began the trip to the MACUSA building, my legs not working as well as I wanted them too. Sebastian was walking too fast and my lungs hurt from trying to keep up.

As we arrived at the MACUSA building, the familiar imposing structure seemed colder and more unwelcoming than ever. We made our way straight through to Walter's office.

I tapped on the door softly, half expecting there to not be an answer given it was so early. But the familiar warm voice instructed me to come in.

"You look like shit, Sallow." She said, gesturing towards the chairs in front of us.

"I realise. I didn't sleep well." I said, trying really hard to not sound as awful as I felt. And apparently looked.

"I was pleased to hear Mr. Carr was liberated. He and Mr. Gaunt came through last night. They explained what had happened... Olive, you cast the Killing Curse on Harris?"

Sebastian's hand reached for my thigh and squeezed it gently, trying to encourage me to be brave.

"I-I did."

"And you're 100% confident it was necessary?" Walters leaned forward on her elbows. It was sort of intimidating.

"Absolutely. If I hadn't have done it, you'd have Sebastian's death on your hands instead. He was about to cast it on him. I simply beat him to it." I said with confidence. I think I'd convinced her.

Walters leaned back in her chair, her fingers steepled in front of her as she processed our words. After a moment of silence, she let out a heavy sigh.

"I understand the gravity of the situation," she said, her voice softer now. "And I appreciate your honesty. The Killing Curse is not something to be used lightly, but in self-defense, it can be justified."

Relief washed over me as I realised that she wasn't condemning our actions outright.

"You understand there will be questions asked about this? I know we said off the books but this wasn't the outcome I expected at all." Walters said, her brows furrowing with concern.

Risk // Sebastian SallowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon