Spot the Difference

60 8 16

1.  Since I was young I have always heard GOD speaking to me.  He has guided me in all my decisions and I have followed the path he set for me.  I have carried out his purpose of placing me upon this earth and always endeavoured to do what I have heard him tell me.  That is how I have come to such high office in my Church, by listening to the voice of God and doing his bidding.  ( anonymous 1)

2. Since I was young I have always heard GOD speaking to me.  He has guided me in all my decisions and I have followed the path he set for me.  I have carried out his purpose of placing me upon this earth and always endeavoured to do what I have heard him tell me.  That is how I have come to be sitting in this prison cell charged with multiple homicides, by listening to the voice of God and doing his bidding.            ( anonymous 2)


A/N   Any other voices than your own in your head normally indicates a problem?  discuss.

Written by Vernicho ( 20 March 2013 )  Copyright ( All Rights Reserved )

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