Favourite Quotes#1

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Favourite quotes will just be lists of things that I come across that have made me think or inspired me, they may be from any source which will always be made clear. The things i will post will be those I think ought to be shared, they may include song lyrics or film quotes, or anything. A complete miscellany. Hope anyone who reads them may find something to enjoy.


1. ' Each succeeds in reaching the goal by a different method.'   ( Machiavelli )

2.  ' The socialism that I believe in is everybody working together and everybody sharing the rewards equally.  It is the way I see Football, it is the way I see life.' ( Bill Shankly)

3.  ' In space no-one can hear you scream'  ( Tag-line from film 'Alien' dir. Ridley Scott)

4.  ' It was a fine idea at the time, now it is a brilliant mistake.' (Lyric from 'Brilliant Mistake' -Elvis Costello )

5.  ' We are the history no-one will ever read.'  ( Vernicho, closing line of my poem 'Gaea's Revenge')


A/N I managed to inspire myself with the 5th one, does not happen often enough so i put it in. Yes i know it is arrogant and egotistical, but I am like that sometimes!!.

Compiled and Written by Vernicho ( 6 March 2013 )  (Copyright All Rights Reserved)

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