Thank you for 100K (Again) (Wattpad)

1.2K 21 135

Howdy, Howdy. Yep, as you see this is final part of thank you for reaching 100K read/views. This time it will for Wattpad. 

Yes, finally Wattpad reader you were able to get the story to 100K reads so of course if I did a thank you for A03 viewer/readers it's only right I do the same for the main site I'm on. So here you go.



This is the thank you for the Wattpad readers; we finally got it to 100K views. I'm honestly surprised the A03 reader got to it much quicker than Wattpad. I was expecting the Wattpad follower to crush it. Well I have more commenters on Wattpad then A03. But to complete to thank for the triple three; I will be giving you all three trailers instead of one!

Originally I was supposed to give you all a choice of the three but after seeing 1K Kudos and votes, 100K reads on both sites I said well I might as well give you all a huge thank you. So if you wonder why it took so long to finally give you all this along the last chapter; this is why!

To be honest I never thought I'll reach this milestone; for some it's isn't a big deal given most people get their fics recommend to them all the time with less chapter and of course there more other fics that gets shown more on Wattpad for certain tag. Such as currently this fic sit at #34 for the Aether tag on the site. (We not going talk about the MANY stories above can take a guess to what they are). Of course those stories would get more love, and a lot more attention. 

But what makes this milestones so big for me; is one this is one only a few of my stories I actually put on another site. And currently if we not talking the lemon Genshin then this the only fic currently that I update at the same time on both site. Given the first two stories that was also on A03 prior to this one....didn't and was as well received as this one. The only difference that might happen is one chapter might drop a few minutes early on Wattpad while the next time one chapter might drop earlier on A03 next time. It just depends.

For one of my fic to do so well and well love on two sites and this fic go over 100k and so much love with comments, votes, and kudos. Under two years; I frankly was not expecting this at all. Like we haven't even hit Inazuma yet with Aether and Paimon. Truly I am thankful for all those who read, comment, likes, and everything about this fic. It means so much; when I see people comment it motive me to wanting to plan the next chapter; even though I got take care my mental health and of course work on other fic. Mainly on Wattpad.

Many of you ask; why do I sometimes try so hard, or put some much effort into this fic. Some of you have stated just the concept alone is a good idea and would get people to read. The amount of stuff I do; plan and type. It because many of you know one of my favorite lines, say it with me; 'Fine, I'll do it myself.' 

It because I see the lack of Aether x females fic in general. Sitting here waiting for many Aether x ladies to get update and of course I always want author/writers to focus on their mental health. If you can't write don't write. Even though on A03 it a thing that most authors said fuck that and we usually push through are health and write. Which I have done and man did it show some chapters; while others it didn't. Lol.

Another reason why I try and push so hard is because I want to lay the blueprint for future Genshin Aether or harem writers when it comes to Genshin in general children base fic. Children type stuff for Genshin has always been in the fandom. That's no secrets. If you watch, look, up or just do a quick good search. You will find some type of kids thing for Aether in general. Usually it's fanart and sometimes they'll get some hate from 'those' fans. But thankfully many Genshin children artist give two fucks. 

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