Chapter 15

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Howdy, Howdy. GUESS WHO'S BACK!!!! Yep, this guy! See I didn't forget you all, I just been super, super busy!!! For those who don't follow me and only for this story. I was doing something for my career in the military and I will be staying in for a few more years.  But I'm sure many of you don't care, but want to give a little update to why this chapter so damn long to come out.

But, I at least do have to bring this up too, for some of you who don't know Mihoyo did a email interview....and let's just pissed it a few fans. Myself include. I wasn't as mad as some of these other people, but I will admit I felt somewhat disheartening for some of the crap they say. For someone who has a few C6 4 stars. and 2 C6 5-stars (Ayaka and Dulic). I was kind of upset for what they basically told some of the fans of the game.

I do love this game, but I'm not someone who blind to think this game is perfect, and doesn't have it's issue. (Aside from the Genshin fanbase, that just open a can of worms I do not want to open). I want this game to do well, and the some of the stuff they pull/said is going make some people either leave or just give up on the game.

Where do I fall in this? I'm in the middle. Given I join only a year ago at this point, and now that I got this story. I'm basically stuck here. I like some of the stuff that in game, the characters, and other stuff. I like this fanfic I'm writing for you all. I don't want to just leave it as one those stories that could done so much but was cut short for whatever reason. I'm still going to play this game, and write fanfic on it. I'm not going leave you all cut and dry. Your comments go a long away, believe me. 

Just seeing the love you all give this story, give it. Keep me going to tell me your not just doing it for yourself to have fun. Your also doing this for others who really want something like this, and maybe hopefully start more people to do something similar in the coming future. So I at least want say thank you all. And don't worry, unless something psychically happen to me (god forbid) or my account get complete wipe!! I'm not leaving you all and this story. Even with this story inconsistency upload. Lol.

Sorry for the long rant.

I'll be honest, this is a long CHAPTER!! I didn't think it was going be this long and wanted to drop it with another one of my stories chapter but this literally took up most my writing time. And I didn't want to keep many of you waiting . So why not just drop this. 

And it perfect too given the day this drop is either Nilou banner, or a day right before it. Depending on your time frame. 

And update for me game wise, I actually got CYNO BOYS!!! Have I use him...not yet. I have most of his stuff, just have to do a little more Ruin drake hunting for his spear. And gather those Beatles for him, and I heard there a pain to find....ooooh boy. I also got Candace as well!! Haven't touch her yet, lol! But let just say her voice....oooh boy! Lol.

And I'm going be honest....I did a cope out this chapter...more on that at the end of the of chapter. 

I need to remember to put the name of the kids and there parents in the start of every chatper. (I will try to remember.)

Ayaka- Mitsuki (12 Year sold)

Shenhe- Hizuki (11 years old)

Jean- Kaneko (10 Years old)

Ei- Athelinda (9 Years old)

Eula- Fuyuto (9 Years old)

Keqing- Yori (8 Years old)

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