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Howdy, Howdy everyone. Yes, your reading that title right. I'm doing a Genshin Impact story. I'm going be honest this wasn't the first plan Genshin story I had plan, in fact this was the the latest one I just thought of about a two and half weeks ago.

So, what made me come up with this story? Well, for the last couples of months I been the hell out of GENSHIN IMPACT! Running around getting lost, wishing for characters, gathering materials, etc. (I still a lot to do...I just hit Inazuma...god help me!)

And after reading a handful Genshin Impact (mainly on this website and AO3). Something just hit me with the lack of Aether x there not a lot of them and most are one-shot (Which I'm debating if I want to do in future still up in the air.) And talking to one of my good friends ahandley385 about it, I remember his fanfic The Children of Deku, and thought...why hasn't no one done a concept like this? (I'm not joking I haven't found ONE future base kid or kids Aether fic.)

And you all good old saying....if you want something done it yourself. And here we are folks. I hope you enjoy this story and stick around with it.

LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR!!! I'm still semi new to GENSHIN!! I don't know everything, hell not even half of the deep lore stuff in Genshin. I only started playing way back in  middle of October, and was on and off it because of other game. I try and look up things at the best of my ability and read as much as possible. So, if I get some information wrong I'm sorry, so do fill in some blanks or correct me on somethings if I get somethings wrong about a few things. But do remember this is fanfic.

Other then that.....



It was a beautiful day in Teyvat; birds sang, and flowers bloomed. Hilichurls running around doing...Hilichurls things? On days like these, people like...wait..what wrong series..crap!

The sun was beaming, and we sees a blonde-haired boy and a flying emergency fo-I mean person currently walking in the lush green fields. These two interesting characters are Aether and Paimon. These two are critical people and are traveling all over the world of Teyvat to find answers. More accurately, the two are on a wild goose chase looking for Aether's sister Lumine.

While they've been looking for her, the two have been helping out different places, such as Mondstadt, stopping the wind dragon Dvalin from destroying everything, and helping Liyue and its people. Fighting the fatui, stopping an ancient god Osial, going to Inazuma, ending the Vision Hunt Decree, the Sakoku Decree, and a civil war between the Shogunate and the Resistance. And fighting the Electro Archon, the Raiden Shogun.

(A/N: Who whooped Aether ass SO HARD!!! It wasn't even a fight!)

Since then, the two have been traveling in-between Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma, helping out the locals, finding any information on the Abyss order, and looking for Aether's long-lost sister. Currently, the two are heading back to the city of freedom to see what is going on over there. As they're walking, they begin to converse with each other.

Paimon: "Oh I can't wait to get back to Mondstadt, I wonder how everyone is doing. It sure has been a while since we've been there."

Aether: "That's true...."

Paimon: "I wonder how the knights have been doing, you think they've been picking up the slack?"

Aether: "Hopefully, it would help out a lot."

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