Ask the Family Question

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A thing I want to do hold you all over while, I'm working on the next chapter and others things.


All the Aether kids: "HELLO EVERYONE!!!!"

Mitsuki: "We first like to say thank you all for reading this story and commenting on this story! It make the creator for us really happy and anytime he sees a comment he gets super happy!"


Kaneko: "I'm sure you all a little disappoint that last chapter was a lot shorter then what your use too. And our creator is really sorry for that."

Yu Tao: "The creator has been going a rough patch in his life currently. But he doesn't want to disappoint any of y'all since you all enjoy this story. So to compact this he has decided with us too..."

All the Aether Kids: "TO ASK US QUESTION!!!!"

Yori: "How this will work is very simple. Your will ask your question in this chapter at the end of it. And you put who it towards. If it towards a specific one of us, a group of us, or all of us."

Fuyuto: "Make sure you said the name it for, it makes all this easier for all of us."

Mitsuki: "And to make things better you don't have to just us. You can ask us, our parents, or the creator himself!!"

Slayer: "Wait what?! Hang on I wasn't in this?!"

Mitsuki: "Your girlfriends ask us too."

Slayer: "SON OF A-"

Athelinda: "But you can only ask those in this family, so if you ask someone outside the family aka someone one SaSa. It's not going answer. And you can't ask anyone in the second wave. Got make this interesting and some type of order."

Hizuki: "The question can range from funny, to skits, to serious, to deep, just depends how you phase it and ask it. The more unique the question the better."

Mitsuki: "Slayer will have 'chapters' will get release throughout the weeks answering the questioning, until the next chapter come out. And to right for everyone; since know many of you have been here since the beginning and for all your love and time. You can ask more then one question. What's the cap?"

Yu Tao: "There isn't a cap!?!"

Fuyuto: "So ask away, if you can think of good ones."

Hizuki: "This is going be a mess I can already tell."

Yori: "Maybe, but who cares this is all in good FUN!"

Yu tao: "I like funny ones."

Mitsuki: "I like ones about the family."

Kaneko: "I'm more into deep question."

Yori: "I'm like ones that going get me thinking."

Fuyuto: "I like funny skits ones to be fair."

Hizuki: "Doesn't really matter to me as long we all have something to answer."

Athelinda: "I like all type of question."

Mitsuki: "I wonder who going get most question."

Hizuki: "I think dad will."

Kaneko: "Dad is going be is going go through it."

Athelinda: "You think anyone going ask Paimon any question?"

Mitsuki: "That should cover everything! I'm sure if any of you have outside question for how things work just ask the Slayer."


End of Chapter.


Ask away.

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