Answering Question #61-141

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You all may sure, I had a lot to answer.

I'm here to drop this off, I will say currently I'm a little under the weather so I want to apologize a head time if some response aren't what you have hope. But, I didn't want you all hanging for a while.

Also, if your question might look different that just because how autocorrect/grammarly correct it. Don't worried I copy the original question so before it got change so I still answer it the way you form it.

Other then that,



Question 61

Sorry about the typo. I was typing on my phone.: I meant to say was if you were to come up with the names of the children of the other women who are in love with Aether, what would be their name and vision (I am also adding weapons). Also, once the girls that love Aether confess their feelings for him, will their children appear in Teyvat?- From WinxStarDracoFire (wattpad)

Slayer: "That SUPER heavy spoilers territory, I tell you that much. Thank you for correcting and explaining the question. But I can't give that information away too easily; got to have some fun with you all by myself, heheh."

Slayer: "But, I can answer even though I already did in another question before this last 'chapter' the kids will appear in Teyvat at some point. When? That is for me to know and for you all to read in the future. Heh.

Question 62

Oh, I'm adding another question. For Windtrace, what would be your best hiding spot if you were a rebel and the first place you would search if you were a hunter depending on the location- From WinxStarDracoFire (Wattpad)

Yu Tao: "Ooooh hide and seek!! Well, if I was a hunter my first place is always to check the furthest place from the starting zone. Since many people would want the hunters to eat up as much time as possible. One second can make all the difference. As a rebel...hmm? The opposite of what I do is hide closer to the starting zone since many hunters would just get out to look around as fast as possible."

Yori: "As a hunter I would check places with a lot of items around since the risk of me missing something is high when I barely miss. As a rebel, a place that would cover most of the hunters' view even when they run past me they wouldn't see me."

Fuyuto: "As a hunter just depends on the location, I have to hope I found them soon or later. And as a rebel, try to move around a bit. Never stay in one place."

Athelinda: "Hunters check places I would hide, if I was trying to hide from myself. And as a rebel, I'm messing with the hunters the entire time HEH!"

Kaneko: "Just depends on the game."

Hizuki: "As a rebel any high places, and as hunter blinds spots."

Mitsuki: "Hmmm, I guess it just depends on the game as well. People have different strategies for each game. So I just adapt to that game."

Question 63

To all children.: How do you spend your summer vacation at the Golden Apple Archipelago?- From WinxStarDracoFire (Wattpad)

Hizuki: "Only when auntie Klee allows us with her mom. But when we go there most of the time it's with our parents and we have days one just the adults. Another day for us kids."

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