Hizuki sighed as they traveled back to Liyue Harbor. In contrast, while traveling, Hizuki looked at her little brother, who hummed a tune as they walked around. She adopted a smile as she lifted his pork hat up a bit and gave him a headpat. Yu Tao looked at her, confused at first. But he would give her a cheeky smile that brought even a smile to Hizuki's face.

They would soon reach the Harbor where, near the gate was, of course, Hu Tao, along with Xiao and Yanfei, with a little Yori, Qiqi, and Azhdaha on Qiqi's neck. Shenhe was also there, of course, with Aether, who had a collar with him and anime-like tears running down his face. The one thing with Aether was he wasn't wearing his scarf?

They would reach them, with Hu Tao approaching Yu Tao and kneeling down with him. She didn't look too happy.

Hu Tao: "Yu....why am I getting pulled from work to hear you might have done something over the top." Yu Tao looked down, his cheeks puffing out, and rubbing his feet on the ground.

Yu Tao: "I...might have let my emotions get the better of me and....took things too far.... I'm sorry."

Hu Tao: "....*sigh*" She rubs his head. "If you don't take after both your parents. Listen, I might not know fully what you did yet. But understand controlling that 'dark' urge we have inside of us." She pointed to his heart. "Emotion can be a powerful thing for all of us. You clearly have a deep secret gifted inside you. But we can't let that talent get out of hand. You're still young and it is my responsibility as your mother to help you understand. So if you can, please be more careful on what you do with your gifted okay." She smiled at him.

Yu Tao: "Ok mom, heheh."

Hu Tao: "Now, go and play, your mommy has to talk to the 'doctor' and see what the whole big deal is. Stay out of trouble, my little trouble maker." She gave him a chichi laugh.

Yu Tao saluted as he waited for Qiqi to grab the stuff of medicine from Baizhu, and the two ran off.

Hizuki: "Yori can you make sure those two don't cause trouble."

Yori: "Hmhmhm, of course. You can count on me. I am, after all, the big sis to him." She went after Yu Tao and Qiqi.

Yanfei: "I'll make sure they don't start any trouble."

Aether: "Thanks Yanfei."

Yanfei: "It's no big deal." She took her leave.

Shenhe let go of Aether finally, who had pulled his shirt a bit.

Aether: "Okay, so explain what happened?"

Baizhu would go on to explain what happened while out with little Yu Tao, describing the feeling they got from the massive fire he unleashed on the dungeon and how scared many of the treasure hoarders even refused the aid of Baizhu healing them afterward. Changsheng notices how many of the hoarders would look behind them where Yu Tao was, and they would suddenly look like they saw Death itself before trying to run or denying the medicine.

They went on to explain what Yu Tao said to them and everything.

Baizhu: "Now I'm not one to jump to conclusions but it is clear there is much more to the story to little Tao. The mere fact he would go that far, now I can't speak for his father, the traveler, since I haven't seen him in action besides when the Harbor was attacked. But I know some things about his mother Hu Tao." Hu Tao crossed her arms and just gave Baizhu a look. "And the only one who would know more about little Tao is someone right with us. Aka, little Hizuki. Care to explain a bit more about your little brother."

Everyone looked at Hizuki, who sighed and sat atop a rock.

Hizuki: "I guess I should explain a bit more about our family. As cheerful as you all seen us, we each have challenges we have faced. Dad, tell me have you seen or heard anything from little brother Kaneko or Fuyuto."

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