Wooyoung didn't leave her side the first couple of days, staying snuggled to her in the bed. He helped her bathe and told her funny stories.
     They forced her on bed rest and she wasn't even able to left on her own. Yeosang showed up and made the younger vampire leave, curling up beside of her in the place where he once was.
     "I found the one you wanted." He held up a book as he made himself comfortable.
She looked up at him, studying his face. His blonde locks were getting longer. "How come you don't age, but your hair and nails grow?"
"I'm not sure. I think it's the same with our heart still beating." Yeosang caressed her face, staring longingly.
"Can you.." She paused for a moment. "Can you use your flair?"
"If you want me to." Eunha nodded in response. "Where do you want to go?"
"I want to be on your Pirate Ship. I want to see the ocean from the view all of you had for years." Yeosang smiled at her, caressing her cheek.
"You're wish is my command." Eunha felt like she was sucked into his eyes and transported into a cabin. Her attire screamed pirate, as did the small room.
Eunha exited out the only door, finding herself on the deck of a ship. Her eyes immediately spotted the open waves, she ran to the rail and gazed upon it.
     "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
     "I would give anything to see this view everyday." Eunha didn't turn her eyes away, Yeosang approaching her.
     Just then, a boy ran behind them carrying a wooden crate full of bottles. She noticed and tore her gaze from the sea to the boy who ran by. He looked vaguely familiar.
She followed him, almost getting knocked down by a man that walked by her with importance. She weaves around him, stopping to look at Yeosang who chuckled at her. "Are you okay?"
"Can they see me?"
"No, this is one of my memories." He explained and she nodded in response, turning her attention to the man that walked by.
He was tall and had broad shoulders. The black hair was at ear length and styled down. He walked up to one of the crewman and barked an order at him. The man turned in her direction and stalked towards her.
It was Seonghwa. He was wearing a large coat and a similar attire as he wore around the castle. The look in his face was familiar, she seen it her first few weeks at the castle.
Eunha's heart rate picked up as he came closer, almost as if he was staring right at her. He stepped through her and towards another crewman, proceeding to yell at him. "He's the Boatswain, he runs everything for Hongjoong, who is our captain. Seonghwa is the master of The Mist."
"The Mist?"
"That's the name of our ship. Hongjoong and Seonghwa bought her straight from the market, she had never had a crew aboard. It was a little after Yunho was turned I think."
Seonghwa marched over to the on-deck cannons, where a man dressed in all black was squatted over, working with something. He stood up and faced the vampire, showing his face to her. It was San. His blonde and curly locks fell down a little ways past his shoulders.
They spoke for a moment before another man with shirt, black hair joined them, so tall she knew automatically it was Yunho without even seeing his face. They seemed to joke about something because both San and Yunho began to laugh, as did Seonghwa.
Eunha stared at San, a unknowing feeling dwindling in the pit of her stomach. His smile lit fire in her veins and sent cold chills down her skin.
Yeosang approached her again, standing beside of her. "San is our Master Gunner, in charge of the fire power, and Yunho is our Quatermaster. His job is basically boarding other ships and choosing what to take, he's our strongest crewman."
Eunha caught sight of the boy who ran by them earlier, he was carrying another wooden crate but it was full of medical supplies. He headed towards the lower deck and passed by them again. She was able to see his face this time, it was Mingi, but younger and more frail. He couldn't be more than eighteen. He too had very long hair, black as night. She could see the ponytail sticking from under his bandana.
"Mingi wasn't a vampire yet?" Eunha couldn't remember if she ever heard how Mingi became immortal, or how he met them. But she knew he was the last one to join while they were still pirates.
"No, he was actually just another crewman at the time. Our best one at that." Yeosang smiled while they watched him disappear. "We needed a medic because our crew kept dying because of illness or battle. We stopped in Korea for resources and a boy barely sixteen came up to us and asked to join our crew. He had experience with medicine and wounds, so we hired him."
A voice from above them snapped their attention towards him.
All eyes were on him. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Seonghwa turned around to look at him, the man motioned for him to meet him on the top deck.
Seonghwa passed through her again, but she didn't even falter, she was too busy staring at the man.
He wore a white shirt with a brown leather vest, chains hanging from his chest and his belt, an array of weapons with it. There was a hat sitting in the railing in front of him, allowing his short blonde hair to shine white in the sun.
It wasn't too short, just enough to fly in his face when the wind hits him.
His eyes scanned the lower deck, for a moment he stopped on her presence before looking away. "Well? What're ya doin? Get back to work!"
Their accents were different and they spoke in a tone she wasn't familiar with. She turned back to the vampire who stood beside of her. "So, are you only here with me, or are you actually doing what you were doing in the memory?"
Eunha didn't remember if she saw Yeosang about, but she didn't pay close attention.
"Oh, I'm here for both. I'm the Sailing Master, I can reads maps and distinguish directions by the stars. In other words, I steer the ship." She gawked at him.
"Okay, I thought being the captain was awesome, but that sounds way better!" Yeosang grabbed her hand and led her in the direction Seonghwa walked.
He took her up the steps and onto the top deck. She caught sight of the ocean as they went up and she smiled.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong were conversing with another blonde man, hands wrapped around the wheel that controlled the ship. His locks were well past his shoulders and almost reached his lower back.
He had the top pieces in a bun, similarly styled like a Korean prince. But he was heavily dressed like the others.
Yeosang turned to face her as they walked towards the captains quarters. His face was in full view, no hair to cover his face. As they drew closer, she noticed the red mark beside of his left eye.
She had never seen it before, because his bangs were always in his face. She turned to face the real him and moved the hair away where the mark would be.
There it was. It was beside of his eye and even connected to his eyelids. "I didn't know you had this."
"It's not something I'm confident about."
"Yeosang. You're perfect. You honestly remind me of a god. This mark is beautiful, I love it." She could see the sadness in his eyes. "It makes you different, unique."
Yeosang gave her a heartwarming smile. "I think very highly of you, so I will take your words into consideration."
"Should we head back? I don't want you to waste too much of your energy."
"If it's for you, it wouldn't be a waste."

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