Fallen out of love

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Last night Marinette couldn't sleep. She had fallen out of love with Adrien. Adrien Agreste, the boy she fawned over for years. The boy she had cried over so many times, and the boy that made her smile just as many times. She didn't love him any more. 

 Something interrupts her train of thought however she makes eye contact with Felix. He looked at her and smiled. The kind of subtle yet eye crinkle smile that she had never seen on him before. She had only seen that kind of smile on someone when Adrien would look at Kagami. And suddenly she remembered how it felt to see that. How she wished that someone would look at her like that, but no one ever did. She had long given up on it. So, she was sure that smile wasn't for her. 

She saw the girl next to Felix. Wow. She was beautiful. She looked kind. She looked like exactly the type of person to make Felix smile like that. Because he looked so in love when he smiled. He looked so...

"Marinette!" He greets her. 

"Hey.!" She tried her best not to sound down, like she did when she woke up this morning. She didn't know how to let go of the person she loved for years. She didn't know how to accept that. But that wasn't Felix's problem to deal with, so she pushed the thoughts and feelings aside. While she might have always been an emotional person, she was always good at putting up a front. This time would be no different.

"Felix! Good morning." She smiles. Contradicting her cheery tone, she squeezed her hands so hard they started to hurt. Why? Because it was hard to smile when you wanted to scream, or cry. She didn't know which. Felix looked down and saw her hands. 

"Listen, I'm so sorry but I'm running a little late, I'll be right back." She says, giving a small wave to Allegra because she didn't want to be rude. Then, she speed walks through the crowd of people to the boiler room. But first, she checked to see if anyone was looking at her, and when she saw that no one was, she pushed that heavy door and dropped her backpack immediately.

She sighs, letting the noise of the room drown her. She walks around the wall, and sits down. She just wanted to sit there all day, but she couldn't. She couldn't cry here. She couldn't trust that the noise of the boiler room would mask her cries. And yet she started to cry. Her eyes started to well up, her breathes started to sound like sobs. She covered her face in an effort to silent her stupid cries. 

But it didn't work because she heard the door open, and a gentle voice call out. "Marinette?" This was good! Someone could comfort her, only... It wasn't someone. It was her cause for crying. The boy she couldn't let go even after her heart stopped longing for him. The boy that had hurt her so many times without knowing it. The boy she had given everything she could for, but it never worked out. The boy who broke her heart.

"Marinette..." He says when he finally sees her. No, please. Leave me alone. She wants to scream. But she can't. All that comes out from her mouth are sobs, so silent and yet so full of emotion. She closes her eyes, not wanting to look into his eyes again. At least not now. She didn't want to feel that familiar feeling ever again, that feeling of pining for him. Of unrequited love.

"Marinette, what happened? Are you ok?" He crouches down next to her and grabs her hands from her face. She doesn't answer. "Why..? Why are you crying?" He asks again. But she doesn't answer, she won't even meet his eyes. But her hands lay in his. She wasn't trying to take them out of his, but she wanted to. Part of her wanted to get up and leave, and not talk to him again. But the other part wanted to tell him everything, because she was in love with Adrien, but he was also Chat Noir. He was also her best friend. 

So, she could do nothing but sit there and cry. Adrien looks at her, her puffy eyes and face from crying. He hugs her. Her head falls onto his shoulder, wetting the sleeve of his shirt. He didn't care though. He only hugged her tighter. But he didn't know that this was making her heart hurt more, making her emotions overwhelm her. 

Why? Why now? Why couldn't you have hugged be and comforted be when I loved you...  Her thoughts echo.


uh sorry it took so long !!

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