"Classroom dancing"

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"Aghhh" Marinette groaned as the teacher spoke, she slept late last night and was not in the mood for a lecture. Soon she drifted off to her own world, staring at the ceiling, but something brought her back to reality.

"Marinette, if you do not wish to sleep late, then I suggest you pay attention in class." Felix looked at her. In her opinion, he was acting quiet weird today.

"I can't see the board anyways, Ivan is too tall, he's blocking it." She yawned. While she would have preferred to sit next to Adrien this year, sitting next to Felix had it's pros. For one, Chloe couldn't trash talk her anymore. She didn't have the guts to whine in front of Felix, and second they were seated behind Ivan and Mylene, so she could fall asleep and the teacher would never know.

She resumed her spacing out, only this time on Adrien, and his perfect blond hair. But recently she had been feeling... weird. Like her feelings had decreased? Like the butterflies weren't as many every time she thought of him now. Thinking through all this she continued staring at him.... While Felix stared at her staring at Adrien. His eyes narrowed a bit, she was fawning over him again, how annoying.

Without a word, he grabs the bottom of Marinette's chair, and pulls it all the way next to him interrupting her simping session, so that her head was touching his shoulder.

She let out an agh in surprise. "Now can you see the board?" He sarcastically asked, knowing the answer. "You've been weird since this morning," Marinette replies.

"Felix and Marinette." The teacher says. "If you two won't pay attention, I hope you enjoy cleaning the entire classroom today."

"Yes ma'am." They say in unison.

Alix taps Marinette's shoulder from behind. "You and Felix always end up together, maybe its fate?"


The classroom was empty when Marinette entered. Stupid Alix, why did she have to say that? Whatever, she wasn't gonna think about it. Even if she did always end up with him, it didn't mean anything. But deep down inside, she wasn't so sure. Was that the reason her feelings for Adrien changed? Did Felix make her heart flutter?

"No way." She shook her head dismissing the thought.

"No way to what?" Felix asked next to the door, his blazer was finally off, and his tie was loosened on his white button up shirt. Oh goodness was she wrong, he did, she was just to blind to notice. She froze up, feeling her heart pound faster.

No, no this was normal! Her heart wasn't like this because of him.. Ok, maybe he did make her heart flutter just a little, but that doesn't mean she likes him. It's completely normal for friends to sometimes fluster each other..

"Are you alright?" Felix said as he grabbed the broom.

"YEAH! I'm fine."Marinette took deep breaths to try and slow down her heart beat.

"You look nervous, calm down. What is the matter? Are you nervous about the photoshoot in a few weeks? You were so eager to agree though." Felix hands her the eraser for the chalkboard.

While his assumption wasn't true, she wasn't gonna miss the oppurtuntity. "Yeah! I-" She thought back to the details in the email she got. "I don't know how to waltz! What an odd photoshoot concept!" She nervously laughed.

"Really? I thought it was quiet creative, it would be able to show the emotional overtones that they are going for. And, if you'd like, I could teach you. I've known since I was a child." He says, putting down the broom.

"Really?" Marinette says, happy. "I just looked up a few videos, are you sure you could teach me? It might be a hassle explaining everything." She puts her hand on her neck.

"I see you doubt my abilities, well, I'll be sure to show you what a great teacher I am." He grabs her free hand and pulls her to him.

"You would put this hand on my shoulder." He takes her hand from her neck, and places it on his shoulder. " And I will have my hand around your waist" He carefully placed his hand in the right position. "And we keep this like this." He looked to their intertwined hands.

He leads with the basic steps, and she follows. "One, two, three" He says with every step. "I've tried to control myself, however I simply cannot anymore so I have to ask: I want to know about Lila Rossi." He says when she finally finds the rhythm of the dance.

"Lila?" Marinette gets angry at just her name. "She's hm, interesting. Why do you ask?" There's a slight bitterness in her voice, as she distances herself from him, unconsciously. " Do you like her is that why?" Was she a little mad at the mention of Lila, or was she upset that Felix mentioned Lila? Marinette tried to sound indifferent."Yes, I am completely smitten." Felix says, face unexpressive.

"Lila?" Disgust was lightly laced in her voice. and the room goes quiet. "Pfft" He cant help but laugh.

"I'm being sarcastic. Why, do tell, would I ever like her? I was talking about the animosity between you two," He pulls her closer, still dancing to the four count rhythm. "Correct me if I'm wrong, however, was that jealousy just now?"

He was so frustrating today. She decided he should get a taste of his own medicine, this weird teasing wasn't new to her thanks to cat noir.

"And what if it was?"

"Then I would apologize to my cousin for my actions."


"For taking the chance he obviously never saw, and treating you the right way."

Quickly, Marinette had to think of a topic change. Why was Felix so good at this? This weird flirting and teasing that he and Chat Noir shared.

"Adrien does not treat me wrongly, I'm not even his girlfriend." She says and he spins her.

"He has you fawning all over him all while you compare yourself to other girls. I know the pain he causes you, unlike him I'm not blind."

She sighs knowing he isn't wrong. "Ok then give me advice, from one friend to another, what should I do? I can't just get over him, I've tried but I just can't."

"It's simple. As you said, from one friend to another, find someone else. Though he is my cousin, he isn't good for you. He leaves you sad and disappointed in yourself. That's not what love is."

"Then what is?"

"I'm the wrong person to ask."

"You never liked someone? That's impossible. You've never met a girl whose made your heart flutter?"

"I dont know how it feels, so i cant say." He was starting to get uncomfortable, all this talk about his feelings.

"Hmm. When you like someone you get this undeniable feeling, I don't know how to describe it but when you feel it, you know. You have this.. connection? A relationship no one else has."

He shakes his head. "No one."

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