13 "Ship or Sink"

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Journalist Girlfriend: We need to talk about this, meet later in the bus. Sit next to me and we will talk there.

Nino POV

My mouth is open right now. Felix- He- WAIT how do I know he isn't just playing with Marinette? I gotta remember that Felix isn't the most trustworthy person.

 So the question is; ship or sink?

Mariette POV

"Class, 15 minutes left! Gather in the lobby in 15 MINUTES!" Miss bustier's voice is echoing through the hallway, somehow it still sounds sweet even when she is screaming. But you know what doesn't sound so sweet? Seeing Felix after all that. ITS GONNA BE SO AWKWARD. HE PROBABLY THINKS I LIKE HIM. I WOULD THINK SO TOO. I groan out of embarrassment for the 50th time today. 


"WOAH WOAH, I am NOT catching feelings for him anytime soon. You know I like Adrien! And.. well he kinda knows that too." I mumble the last part. Alya gives me a confused face.

" Also, Alya I think you're being too hard on him. I've been 'hanging out' with him a lot and he just.. he just doesn't seem so bad. I mean, he is human too! He can make mistakes!" I say thinking back to last night, when he was trembling and could barely move. I think maybe Felix is confused? Maybe he isn't a bad person, he just doesn't know what to do. It's always a possibility-

 "Right, says the girl who bullies Lila. Are you gonna say that's a mistake too Marinette?" Mylene interrupts. I turn to look at her, behind me, sitting on her bed. "What?" I say, a bewildered look on my face. 

"Lila told me everything. Don't act like you don't know." She replies. Then she looks at Alya. "Alya, did you know Marinette has been stealing from Lila? The little things that she thinks no one will notice. Like Lila's ring, when she took it since her hand hurt because of her sickness. Marinette stole it. " She states.

 Alya looks so confused. "What? Uhh, Mylene no she hasn't. Why would Marinette do that??" Alya asks. "She has been stealing! Lila told me herself! But if you don't want to believe me, just wait. I'll find you evidence. Marinette, just confess! Then I'm sure Lila will forgive you, and me too!" 

Wow, that hurt. So, Mylene doesn't trust me at all? I thought we were friends. She believes Lila?... More than me? 

Just then Rose bursts in from the restroom, she was doing her hair. "Girls! It's time to go!" We were all already ready, just waiting for Rose. 

Mylene leaves first without even waiting for any of us. 

Felix POV

After returning back to the room with Lahiffe I was greeted by my cousin.  "Oh! Hey guys!" He gives a smile. "What happened?" Adrien asks "We went somewhere.. yeah..ANYWAYS, we should get going now, right? Lets go guys." Nino replies while walking back out the door with our classmate. 

"Oh yeah, sorry for asking. It was probably nosy of me to do that, I just thought we were close enough for that you know?" Adrien looks down with a frown on his face for a split second before smiling again and walking away with Nino. 

I feel something prick my heart. Is... Is he guilt tripping me right now?  

*at the lobby*

No one POV

The lobby is now filled with students. "Marinette?" Miss bustier asks. "Here!" "That was the last student." Miss Bustier tells the principal. "Ok class! Since last night two students got lost we will be doing partners today. I will assign groups of two for everyone,  you need to stay with your partner. Do not lose them." She announces. "Yes miss Bustier!" the class replies quite loudly. 

Miss Bustier POV

Hmm, now I'm not one to get involved with drama of any sort, but I am the type of person to ship people! I won't tell anyone but I have always thought fondly of Marinette and Adrien. There is just something between them two. I can't quite describe it, but its like... they were made for each other but they just can't see it. 

"Mylene and Ivan." I call out

They give a cute reaction by walking to each other and holding hands. 

"Adrien and Marinette!" I smile on my face while I say this. 

Marinette POV

Oh, oh no. I'm gonna be such a mess- *sigh* I already  have to deal with everything that happened with Felix, but now you're telling me that I have to stay with my crush the whole day?? I look over to Alya and scream through my eyes "HELP ME". She walks over to me and calmly says "You'll be fine Marinette! You two just have to stay together, but not be alone! I'll try to stay with you too." 

I smile at her " Thanks Alya, I can always rely on you!" I make a heart with my hands and give her a big smile, one that makes my eyes nearly close. 

Then I hear a laugh, from Alya yes but also from a few other people. I open my eyes and see, Nino, next to Alya, Felix, next to Ivan and Adrien, next to .. Lila. >:(( 

Wait anyways, they were all laughing, were they laughing at me??


Did you guys like this chapter? Pls give ur opinions in any way! Like commenting, or even voting ig. Anyways, I CAN'T BELIEVE IM AT 2.7K I REMEMBER WRITING THE MAYBE 3RD CHAPTER WITH ONLY 30 VIEWS, THANK YOU GUYS SOSOSOSOOSOSOSOOSSOSOSOSOSOS MUCH. 

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