Chapter 23 "After school"

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After school it stated to rain. The cold air entering the school as all the students left. They all opened their umbrellas, saying their goodbyes and left. However there were two students who stood, waiting in front of the doors.

"Hey!" Liam greets. His smile gentle. 

"Hi.." Marinette responds, with a nervous yet sweet tone nonetheless. Her hands fidget with her backpack straps.

"I.. think we got off on the wrong foot earlier.. I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry."

"What? No! You didn't scare me," She laughs a bit. "I was just- embarrassed" She looks down at her shoes, her cheeks flushed. 

"Oh, really? Phew.." He lets out a sigh of relief, as Marinette find the courage to look him in the eyes. She tilts her head up to meet his eyes.

"I was so worried that Felix's friend wouldn't like me." He looks at her, a warmth in his eyes. 

"Back in London, Felix was"- He thinks to find the right words- "popular. Not because of himself though, because of his cousin. I was worried he wound't make any friends here, since he was so used to not having, or rather not wanting, any real relationships. But I saw how you made him laugh, and vice versa. I was so happy."

Marinette looks at him with a strange look. 

"...what?" He asks. "Am I.. Too handsome?" He laughs at his own joke.

Marinette laughs along as she rolls her eyes. She was used to these kind of jokes, Chat noir's jokes.

"I just never really heard about his old school, or friends." She answers.

"Yeah, that sounds about right. He used to tell me how everything he heard was empty words, he even used to complain about having to listen to them all." 

A loud honk interrupts their conversation, making them both jump. "Hyuuuung!! Hurry up!" A child demands from the backseat of the car. "Ok, ok! I coming!" Liam screams back. "Thats my cue, my brother is only five but so bossy. Tsk." He says as he walks down the stairs. "Bye!"He says as he gets into the car.

Now it was just Marinette. She was visibly alone, and yet she felt a pair of eyes watching her from a distance. A pair of green, focused eyes. She tried to remember if she had this feeling earlier, and indeed she did. The rain and dark didn't help this baseless feeling. She took a few steps back, nearing the doors. Her discomfort disturbing her quite a bit. Then, she felt a tap on her shoulders. 

She let out a scream of surprise before turning to see who it was. 

Felix cover his ear teasing her. He "checks if there's blood" before saying anything. 

"Felix." She says with a sigh of relief. "Felix!" She angrily grumbles. He smirks in response. 

"My apologies," he says, obviously not sorry at all. " however, I can't help but feel inclined to ask why you're so on edge." 

"I think someone was staring at me? Or like, watching me? Something like that." She answers. 

"Watching you?" He thinks out loud. "What do you plan to do?"

 The strange thing about Felix was, he could be straightforward sometimes, like right now, and at other times the way he said things was just the way they needed to be heard. With a firm point, not sugar coated, but somehow gentle. 

"I don't quiet have that figured out yet." Marinette was not scared of possible kidnapping, she was ladybug. She was a brave heroine. Rather, she was afraid of what they already saw, or what they might see. 

"I see." Felix says, grabbing his phone. While Marinette pondered on wether or not to go straight home, Felix was next to her texting someone. 

After a few minutes Marinette stood up straight, indicating she was done thinking. "Well, I'll get going now." She says.

Felix walks with her. "Lead the way." He says while opening the door. "Wait, what do you mean?" She asks.


"Aren't you going home?" She asks.

"Marinette, I had hoped you knew I had no intentions of letting a lady go out by herself while being watched, I just texted my mother I will not me taking a car home this time. I thought that was quite evident."

"No, it's fine. Thank you though. I have errands to run, it'll take too long." She smiles being pleasantly surprised at Felix's kind act.

"That was not an offer, and please don't waste your time arguing, after all we have errands to run." He remarks, still holding the door open waiting for her.

She sighs in defeat. "Thank you Felix." She says as she exits.

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