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"I'll be there in a little bit!" Marinette screams from her room.

Felix sits on the coach downstairs waiting for her. They are headed off to the ice skating rink, their class was there to "hang out", but for Marinette and Felix this was their first date, well fake one.

"I hate to nag, but it has been a while and I just want to make sure you're ok." Felix says loudly, hoping he doesn't have to shout for her to hear him. "YEAH IM FINE!" she runs down the stairs and grabs a jacket from the closet. "Phew," she gestures down to her outfit. "ok. What do you.. think?" She looks him up and down, this was probably the first time she had ever seen him in something other than that weird suit thing he wears. It seems like he was running late, his hair wasn't pushed back this time. It was down freely, perfectly framing his face in soft blonde curls. He holds his jacket in his hand.

"You're definitely an aspiring fashion designer. You look beautiful, Marinette. But I think if you changed this a bit," He points to her hair. "It would look better. May I?"

"You know how to style a girl's hair?" She turns around ,more to hide her reaction than anything else, and takes off her hair ties before dropping it into his hands. "I learned when I was a little boy, I was very devoted."

"Why.. would a little boy want to style girl's hair..?"

"Ah, I.." He says in a quiet voice. "I wanted to spend time with my mother, she was a very busy woman. Oh but please don't misunderstand. She did her best. At the time I couldn't comprehend why she couldn't spend time with me. Now that I'm older I appreciate all the hard work she did. " He explains as frames her face with her hair, pulling out two front pieces.

Marinette smiles. Hearing him say something like that to her was nice, he had never been open before about anything.

"What was her reaction when you did it? I bet it looked great, knowing you. You seem to be good at everything."

"Thank you for the compliment. However, I never got to do it, again she was a very busy woman. Even my father barely got to talk to her, he was busy as well."

"Felix, do you realize that's the first time you talked about yourself? Actually, I realized that you know so much about me, but I don't really know anything about you. I don't know how to describe this, but it feels unfair. And to 'fake date' I need to know something's about you. So, tell me something. Starting from childhood."

"I thought you said we weren't fake dating but merely faking feelings. A situationship."

"Whatever, same thing. Now go!"

"When I was a child, I lived a normal child life. My parents were normal parents. I am a normal person. And I've never fell in love so, there's really nothing you need to know about me."

"Felix." She said, not in the mood for it.

"Fine. When I was a child, I went to school and made no friends. I stayed at home for tutoring after, that's the only thing I seemed to have excelled in. My mother and father were never home, and on the off chance they were home, they were never happy. While my mother was able to control herself, my father wasn't. When I was a child, I wasn't given a chance to be a child. He taught me to be different. He taught me to do everything in a formal manner: Breath, sit, stand, walk, eat, read, write, everything. He taught me how to be me, how to properly be me."

There's a keen look in his eyes, almost piercing into Marinette as he confidently says every word.

"That's not a shock to you though, I know my mother said something to you. And by me saying this I'm not asking for your pity.
I know you do this out of good spirit, and its not my intention to be rude, but I beg you; don't pity me. Please. Pity isn't something I need." He says the last part like a whisper, like he doesn't want to hear it yet almost as if he was trying to convince himself of the words he so quietly mutters. And it makes her question, does he really mean that?

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