Chapter 22 "Denial"

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The whole night Adrien had stayed up, questions in his head, after bringing his princess home. He couldn't understand what was happening. If this had been any other person, he would have thought it was love, but this was Marinette. 

The sound of the door bursting open startles Adrien out of his thoughts. "Oh.. we're here already, sorry about that." He says to his body guard as he exits the car. 

He wasn't in love with Marinette... there's no way, she was..Marinette.

He was not in love with her, even if she was amazing, funny, sarcastic, smart, understanding,and beautiful.

Adrien blushed at his own thoughts. Why did he call her that? 

Why would I call her " bea-"  Though Adrien had started that word with a sarcastic tone, he completed it with another. "tiful.." 

Mid sentence Marinette had entered Adrien's gaze, her smile changing his choice of tone. Left with nothing else to do, Adrien started to freeze, stunned that his heart started to beat faster. 

"Hey!.... Adrien?" Nino walks up to Adrien. "Are.. you ok?" He asks, following Adrien's line of gaze to Marinette, right before Adrien jerks his head away. "Nino! Y-yeah. It's nothing, let's go." He says, pulling Nino with him as he walks.

The school bell rings, and students rush to their classrooms. After taking attendance Miss Bustier seems to be waiting for another person. But who was she waiting for? 

The answer enter's through the door. 

"I'm not late am I?" 

The new kid had jet black hair, brown tantalizing eyes, and possessed a rather charming aura. 

"Class, this is Liam Abernathy. Actually, there have been so many new students lately! Anyways, please welcome him like you did Felix." 

The room remained silent after that comment. They had never welcomed Felix. 

"..Liam, since we're short on time right now you can go to your seat already, the very last row for now, until I can find you a partner." 

On his way to the desk, Liam could feel Felix's piercing stare. 

The bell finally rang, and the student's went off to lunch and so did the teacher well, most students did. Felix approaches the back desk, his demeanor intimidating. 

"Sunshine!! I'm sure you're happy to see me." Liam greets with a mischievous wink.

"You know I'm not, I would never be." 

Marinette was taken aback by Felix's response as she overheard them, not expecting Felix to be so rude. However, Alya was not. She expected Felix to be just as rude as he sounded right now. 

"Wow, someone would actually think what you're saying is true. Felix," He sighs out of frustration.

 "Don't tell me you've been acting like this your whole time here, no one will want to talk to you! You and your ridiculous persona of the cold enigma... You know, I'm beginning to wonder which one of us is really Asian because keep this up and you could be the bad boy in a k - drama." He shakes his head.

No one had ever talked to Felix like that before, this would only cause trouble.. or at least that's what everyone thought. They panicked, thinking what to do before disaster happened.

Felix sighs, and ever so lightly chuckles. So light that it was hard to hear it. "Somethings about you will never change, one being your horrible attempts at jokes." 

Felix slams a notebook on the table. "I'm hoping that you at least came prepared, I'm not buying all of your textbooks again. I'm only letting you borrow this for a few days, so you had better not procrastinate."

"Yes sir." Liam salutes. "But hey, who's the blueberry?" 

"Blueberry?.. Ah, Marinette." He motions for Marinette to come.

"This is the class president, her name is Marinette Dupain - cheng." He turns to her. "This is Liam, I knew him before in London." 

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Liam says.

 He bows, like what Chat Noir does. Marinette greets him with a small smile as she nervously fidgets with her hands, and Liam notices.

"Oh! You too." she says.

"Has anyone ever told you how adorable you look when you're flustered?"

"What-" Marinettte starts to feel hot, and her eyes widen a bit. She tries to laugh it off. "no I'm not flustered right now. I just get nervous when I talk to hot people-" 

Her smile drops as she realizes what she said. Her face turns bright red, and she covers her mouth with her hand. She stands there in the silence shocked at her own words along with everyone else. She slowly, unconsciously, starts to hide behind Felix.

"PFF" Liam starts to laugh. The smile on his face beaming how much he liked Marinette. He found her very endearing. 


"So you did mean it?" 

"Uhh" She was done with the conversation. She lightly tugged the end of Felix's sweater vest as she looked at him begging for help. 

He took a step to the left to entirely cover up Marinette. "Liam, have you gone on a tour yet?" 

"Uhhh yes, but another one wouldn't hurt. And for the record blueberry, I was joking. Don't worry, and I'm sorry if I scared you." Liam says as he exits the room with Felix.


I'm better now! Praise God it was just allergies. But anyways, guys what are your guesses on what's going to happen next? Would Adrien be nice to Liam, or not? And is Liam a love interest or just a friend? 

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