11 "the Aftermath."

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(This pic is to show how Felix is sitting, once you get to that part of the story it will make sense dw. Also I'm sorry bc it kinda ruins the whole vibe of this chapter. )

Marinette POV

I open my eyes to see if Felix is ok now, and he is! "Felix, are you ok now?" I ask. "I- yes thank you Miss Dupain, and my apologies for the inconvenience that I caused you."  He looks down at the ground while saying this. "Oh then I will um" I complete my sentence by removing my hand from his.

"I-if you don't mind me asking, why.. what happened?" I look at him waiting for an answer. He sighs. "I just- I just don't like rain.." He answers. Its such an obvious lie, he reacted way after the rain had started, but I just nod. I don't wanna pry.

After, I let out a sigh of cold air and move back to my original spot, which was next to Felix, I lay my head against the wall as I try to figure out what really bothered him.  

What is it?? Its not the rain, not the wall, not the floor OBVIOUSLY. But there is nothing else! What could it be?!

I spend the rest of my time thinking, and thinking, and thinking, until- 

No one POV

Marinette's eyes close as she falls asleep. Her hair ties leisurely slipping off her pigtails, all that running caused her hair to almost come undone. 

Felix releases a sigh of relief. Thank goodness I didn't let it out. I was so tempted to act on impulse. " The rain?!" Felix whispers frustrated. "I could only wish." Did I say that too loud? Felix thinks, so he looks back to check if Marinette heard him.

Felix POV

 Oh, she's sleeping. Speaking of Miss Dupain, I do not believe I would have been okay without her earlier. I must show my gratitude towards her somehow

Agh its cold, and the brick wall is not the most comfortable. When will they be here? To add to the discomfort, that incident earlier has me rather weary. It feels like my energy has been depleted greatly. 

I adjust my position to one of more comfort. (look up ;-;) And my eyes slowly close.

30 mins later ~

Nino POV

"Alya, I've gotta tell you something." I lean close to Alya's ear as we follow the teacher to "rescue" Felix and Marinette. "So ... Don't hate Felix, but I think he is about to ruin your ship. Earlier in the train he was staring at Mari with this soft gaze, and I don't know, its just I can sense it." 

She looks surprised for a moment then I kid you not Alya looks at me with the deadliest glare I have ever seen. "What?!" She looks fuming mad right now. "NOT MY SHIP" And she books it on the long path, then around the corner, which is where Felix and Marinette are. By the time We catch up to Alya she is frozen.

Her breathing is heavy, but I don't think its because of her running, I think it's because she is mad. I wonder why, but then I see it for myself. A sleeping Marinette on Felix's shoulder, while he rests his head on hers also asleep. 

"HE- THIS- THATS.... NINO!" She whisper screams as she grabs my shirt's collar and pulls me down. "HE STOLE ADRIEN'S THING! NO MY SHIP! FELIX AND MARI? FELNETTTE? FELIXNETTE? FELINETTE? NO. ONLY ADRIENETTE." She is saying this so loud it isn't even whispering anymore.

 Miss Bustier walks over to them in a rush, and gently shakes them awake. "Felix, Marinette! We are here now, its so cold lets get you to the hotel. Nino, Alya! Give them the jackets please." 

Alya POV


I quickly grab Marinette away from Felix and put her behind me. "MARI! ARE YOU OK? WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU HURT?!" I look at her arm and there a scrape on it. "FELIX GRAHAM DE VANILY, DID YOU DO THIS TO HER??" I march up to him demanding an answer. 

"Miss Cesaire please, why would I hurt my own classmate? Let alone her" Felix looks... genuinely upset. I don't know why, but right now he is being way too sincere. He isn't faking anything right now.

 "Alya, he didn't do this, he actually kinda helped me avoid getting into more trouble- you know what? It's  a long story. I'm tired, and hungry lets go." Marinette says sweetly as she pulls me by my arm.

Hope you enjoyed! MAJOR writers block this chapter.

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