04 "Get A Grip Graham De Vanily"

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(this photo is for the marinette pov part, just keep readin and it will make sense)

Marinette POV


 Oh! I can sit with Alya! I stand up nervously and say "I-I um I GOTTA GO BYE." Adrien stand up as well, trying to find words, but the train starts just as I was stepping forward. 

" AGH" I scream falling backward. Suddenly I feel Adrien's arm stretched out on my back, and his hand catching my side. (Marinette fell to the right of him, so he stretched out his hand to catch her. Like the pic above. but higher, his hand is along her upper back, and holding her shoulder.)

I turn my head to look at him, only to get extremely flustered by seeing his green eyes. Say, Alya is right. He does look a little bit like Chat Noir. Realizing we had stayed like this for a little too long, I gasp, and stand up. "O-oh, Th-hanks. Thanks! I-" 

"Marinette, calm down! You're fine, it was nothing really. You look really nervous, are you ok?" He says. WOW. He is handsome, AND caring?! "Thanks! But between you and me, you're way more kind." He replies. 

"WAIT DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?!" My face is now a deep shade of red, and I can barely look at him because of embarrassment.

 He laughs, a genuine one. As he catches his breathe a smile still lingers on his face. 

"So- I, I um, I have to go ... sit with Alya..?" I state hoping he wont ask why. "Oh.. Okay.." His smile suddenly faded. 

I march up to Alya's seat, but to my surprise, I only see Nino, and two empty seats to the right of him. "Nino? Where is Alya?" 

"Wow, well its nice to see you too Marinette! Alya went to go find you at your seat. Why?" He said. I laugh at his remark and respond with "Oh... Its, well, because I'm sitting next to Adrien and I JUST CAN'T DO IT"

 I whisper scream. "And I said the most embarrassing thing to him" I groan while saying this. "Oh Marinette, poor Marinette. Don't worry, Alya should be back anytime soon." Just then someone stood behind me. It was Felix?

Uhhhmmm, what? "You? But where is Alya? Oh! I mean, I didn't mean to say that I don't wanna see you, but not that I do wanna see you its just that I was expecting Alya, and you surprised me but now I'm rambling and you're probably getting annoyed and I can't stop talking, why can't I stop talking, this is getting awkward bye." Im such a disaster. "Im sorry,I'll move out of your way." I say. 

"Oh, wait Mari. Alya just texted, she said to take her seat. She saw everything that happened. And she also said and I quote "This is the LAST time I am doing this." phew. I let out a tiny "Thank you Alya" under my breath and walk towards the middle seat and sit down. 

Nino turns his head to me and notices how this time I am very depressed. "Hey... you good Mari? I know I'm not Alya, but do you wanna vent?" 

Shocked, I looked at him ,then said "Well, yes. Yes I do. But you have to promise not to laugh." He nods and I start. 

After I carefully whisper all this to Nino, he tells me the most fake advice ever. "Mari, I know this sounds made up, but Adrien is a total blockhead. There is no way he could ever have noticed that you like him. Trust me."

WHO WOULD EVER BELIEVE THAT? (Meanwhile the author dies, knowing very well that Adrien actually is a blockhead, and that this is her story.) *sigh* UGHH I wish I could just disappear right now. I close my eyes in embarrassment. 

Nino POV

Mari closed her eyes for just a few minutes but then fell asleep. Man, this girl needs a better schedule. But the strange thing that I notice is that Felix is staring at her. His eyes have a soft look. After Marinette coughs in her sleep though, he looks up startled and starts to blush. He is obviously flustered at how long he was looking at her.

 Thats very................interesting. Now, with a girlfriend who is a journalist, I learned to pick up on some things. Felix is acting weird now, maybe, just maybe he is starting to like Mari.

Felix POV

I overheard Marinette and Nino whispering, however they abruptly stopped. After a few minutes I grow curious and turn my head. 

She is, sleeping. I feel my gaze soften and my mouth turn slightly upwards. I need to look away but its like my body refuses.FELIX GRAHAM DE VANILY GET A GRIP. How humiliating!

 I lift my hands to my face in efforts to cover my blushing cheeks, but to my dismay it seems that Lahiffe has already noticed. I clear my throats and try to dismiss his suspicion clearly expressed by his facial expressions. " I-" "wait." he interrupts  me. 

"Listen dude, I don't need an explanation. BUT. I do need updates." And he does a rather unnatural eye brow wiggle. I, now partly embarrassed, and partly shocked FOOLISHLY slip out "What?Uh ok?" What?! I just said that?! I don't even like Iris? I- I mean, I don't even like Iris! The only thing I have developed is a tolerance. Yes, a tolerance for her. Its just that I have gotten used to her. But by no means do I like her. Goodness, I am rambling. Thats something I never do.


GUYS DON'T GRILL ME. I KNOW I SAID  THE SPOILER WAS FOR THIS WEEKS CHAPTER, BUT ITS NEXT. IM SORRY. Also sorry for posting late ;-;. My family had just arrived at out hotel and i was super tired. Ill be posting every Friday night from now on, thanks for the comments!

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