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"Marinette, or as I used to call you, Mrs. Dupain, and as I wish to call you.. 'beloved.' I know for you this love of ours will last as short as when it started, but for me it will last forever, because you are my forever. I'm afraid I won't be able to forget you, I'll relive the memories every year, remember the feeling of holding your hand, the feeling of finding my love. I'll remember the way you looked at me, so tender, and yet so full of annoyance. And most importantly, the way I looked at you. The way I saw you. I will remember you. I'll remember who you were to me, how you became my forever. Then how you became the past. How we became the past. And now when I see Adrien,I'll know that he was your past,is your present, and your future. Never before have I wished we could switch places this badly. You must forgive me, but I don't believe I'll attend your wedding. I dont want to see you smile so brightly for another man. Goodbye, Mrs. Agreste." 

Felix's letter flew away in the wind, never reaching his beloved. Never allowing him to say his last goodbye.


no you didn't miss anything but this is something for yall to read for now ! Will it be apart of the story or is it just me playing with you?

I'm YoursOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz