"Thank you.."

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"Are you guys ok?" Liam asks as he takes off his white cap, revealing his jet black hair. The pair behind him, are both flustered. Felix's face was lightly brushed with pink, and Marinette covered her face with both her hands beneath however she was completely flushed. "Yes." Felix said sounding distracted by thoughts. Why did she have to feel so small in his arms? Why, just why did she have lean into him like that? Felix thought.

The opposite was going through Marinette's head. Why did he have to hug her and make her so flustered? And, gosh, why was he so tall?!

"Agh." The pair said in unison, why did they have to be so flustered?

Finally, after a few minutes they arrived at the Graham De Vanily estate. It was huge, with the main colors as black and white.

"Felix! I saw the news about you, are you alright?" Amelia approached the door from the staircase.

"I'm alright mother." Felix said as she gave him a hug.

"Oh? Liam! .. But I don't think I remember you dear." She looks at Marinette with a caring look in her eyes.

"I'm flustered-AGH MARINETTE. I'M MARINETTE." All the blush that disappeared through the car ride seemed to come back at that moment. She shrunk and looked down at her shoes. Amelie laughed at her slip up.

"And I'm delighted to meet you, you can call me Amelie!" She said holding Marinette's hands.

"Why don't you two have dinner with us? We have a guest over anyways and you know what they say, the more the merrier!"

They both agreed, and spent the next 15 minutes exploring Felix's new house. The tension between Felix and Marinette went away with the help of Liam and soon they were walking to the dining room.

"YOU!" Someone shouts from inside as Marinette enters. She grabs her shoulders and spins her around examining her from head to toe. "Yes, yes! You're perfect!" She hugs Marinette, startling her.

"UHH thanks?" Marinette says as she lets go. The woman approaches Amelie. "She is perfect! I knew it from the moment I saw their picture together. They are made for each other Amelie! I must have her model with him, no one else can share the chemistry they have!"

Amelie smiles, and whispers something to the women, and they share a knowing smile before the women introduces herself, as Marinette stares at her shoes.

"Pardon me, it seems I had forgotten my manners. I am Keira Neal, otherwise known as K.N.-"

Keira is interrupted by a loud gasp.

"Y-YOU'RE KEIRA NEAL?! AS IN THE ICONIC FASHION DESIGNER KIERA NEAL?! I'M SUCH A BIG FAN!" Marinette looks up at her with adoration, finally meeting her eyes. "FELIX! YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU KNEW THE KIERA NEAL!"

Kiera laughs. "Oh, you flatter me. You're such a charming young lady much like Mr. Graham De Vanily! Actually, Felix will be modeling my new line, along with his cousin. Now, I know this is a big favor but I would love for you to model too."

Marinette covers her mouth. "WHAT?! YES, OH MY GOODNESS YES! "

Felix turns to her. "Marinette, should you not you ask you parents first?" Felix asks, before Keira kicks him to fall forward closer to Marinette. "Felix, do not ruin this for me." Keira states coldly.

"Yes Ma'am.." He salutes sarcastically, and she rolls her eyes.

Over dinner they talked about many things, and as the night came to an end they happened upon their last topic. Felix's childhood, over dinner everything was positive things some even embarrassing for Felix. When Keira left Amelie had her own objective of discussing this topic with Marinette.

"Oh, Liam, Felix, could you two please go check if the reporters have cleared out?" She asked.

"Of course ma!" Liam said, getting up from his chair. "I agree, of course mother." Felix said while doing the same.

"Marinette, I just wanted to say thank you." Amelie had a meaningful look in her eyes as she smiled.

"Oh, for what?"

"Thank you for being Felix's friend, I know it was probably troublesome at first but I just felt I had to thank you. I thought people would never try to get to know him under all the iciness, but I'm glad it was you who finally got to see who he was under it. He had a..." She sighs.

"A very bad childhood. His father didn't care about Felix at all, only that he was the heir to our company. He grew up alone, with me and his father running the business. He never learned how to make friends, let alone think of others. Since we had no time for him, we spoiled him with things hoping he wouldn't notice our lack in his life. Still, he was a sweet boy. But..when he turned around 7 i believe that's when it all changed. His father took all his stress out on Felix. Then when he died, I lost my sweet boy. He completely changed, it was like he was a different person. His loving personality changed to a selfish, cold one. But now.. I've seen him smile again, and I have you to thank for that."

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