"Milo, there's more then a hundred books in there." I say. "Oh my god."

He scratches the back of his head. "Its nothing."

"Thank you so much, Milo." I say, quickly kissing his cheek.

His cheeks are bright pink when I pull away.

"Oh, look at that, you're blushing!"

"Shut up, no I'm not." He mutters.

I laugh. "Sure you aren't."


"I think you like him."

"And I think you're stupid." I say at Will.

"Come on, just think about it. You were so upset when he didn't talk to you for three months."

"Yeah, obviously because I care for him and I was upset." I laugh. "I can't be close with a guy now?"

"Rory." Will says. "You're close, yeah. You're also close with Xavier. But it's clearly different with Milo and I'm ninety five percent sure that he likes you aswell."

"Milo does not like me."

"You really are a stupid bitch, aren't you?" Will sighs. "He built you a bookshelf and then spent hours and tears organising it by genre or whatever. He already booked the Aquarium for you because he knows. He brought you to Paris and beat the absolute shit out of a guy who's basically his brother."

"Oh." I say. "Maybe he just thinks I'm his good friend."

"Yeah, one he's in love with." Will scoffs. "Come on, stop being so blind, it's killing him. He likes you and you like him."

"Fine, fine, in a scenario, we both liked eachother. Then what? I mean- summer's over and fall is approaching. Before you know it, it'll be thanksgiving and then finals and then boom, winter break. You know what's after winter? College! He's already made up his mind to not go to college and continue racing. I've made up my mind to go across the world. We would never last, not in a million years."

"Well, when you say it like that." Will laughs fakely.

"I don't like Milo. I could never. Ill never allow myself to do that because I've thought about this. If he likes me, he's going to have to get over it. I'll stop being his friend too."

"Now, don't ruin his life." Will says. "Just...let it go. Move on and be his friend."

"That's what I'm doing." I nod.


"Hey, look at this." Milo grins, sliding a sheet of paper infront of me with a big 'A+' .

I look up surprised. "You didn't cheat?"

"No." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh my god, that's great!"

"Im officially back on the team and I want you to come to my big race in...a few months."

"You talked to your coach?"

"No, he'll kill me."

"Then how can you be so sure?"

"Because he secretly loves me." He shrugs.

"I'll come to your stupid race."

"Good." He says, sitting down. "What are you working on?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm bored."

"Yeah, me too." He says. "Wanna make out?"


"Oh, okay." He says.

As soon as the bell rings, I pack up my things. "I'll see you later."


Later that day, after school, im on my bed, staring at the bookshelf. I've been staring at it so much, I think im going crazy.

He's making me go crazy and I don't know what to do.

I don't think this is just 'like' anymore. I think its something so much more. But I don't know what it is.

Then it just hits me.

My father.

My father doesn't even know im friends with Milo and if he finds out i like him, he's going to send me to- to I don't know, but it'll be someplace horrible.

Reason number one thousand and sixty why I should just stop whatever I'm feeling with Milo.


"So, you know how Halloween is approaching?"

I look at Will. "Its September. That's two months away."

"Whatever." She scoffs. "So, I heard someone is throwing a huge party is that abandoned mansion in the wood."


"No, super cool because we are going." She says.

"We'll see." I say.


"Aurora." A high pitched voice says, placing her hands with long nails. Oh, damn, those are long.

"Oh, Sofia! How great to see you." I say.

"You don't hate Milo, you stupid bitch." She says. "Im not some dumbass chick that you can lie to, alright?"

"I didn't lie. I was mad at him but I forgave him."

"What exactly did I tell you?"

"Why the hell would I listen to you, Sofia? You don't scare me, I can talk to who I want."

She fake laughs. "Not Milo. I can ruin your pathetic life in a snap, Aurora. You must have heard about my father,    Chandler King."

One of the biggest modeling companies CEO in USA. She's right, I could be kicked out of here if she asked for it.

"So, you do know him." She smiles. "If I see you with him, I'll get you expelled, do you understand?"

I sigh. "Fine, I get it."

"That was my last warning, by the way." She says. "Quit it."

She walks away and I sigh. Oh, god.

And since I am the luckiest person in the entire world, Milo sits down infront of me.


"Hey, I gotta go. See you later." I say, packing up and walking away from him.

"Wait, Rora- Rora!"

But I was already long gone.

Love, Aurora Where stories live. Discover now