Chapter 12

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I hoped the rain was going to lighten up, but of course fate had another plan. I didn't help any of the circumstances though. I decided it was a good idea to put on music, and of course I picked something that Harry loved.

Now I get to sit here across from him on the couch while he sings along and bobs his head to the beat. It probably wouldn't sound that bad if I had to describe it to someone, but they don't understand Harry and they don't understand how annoying he is when you start to think he is at all tolerable like this. It gives you a false hope that he isn't a total asshole. Then of course he comes back worse than ever and you feel like a dumbass for believing he could be any different than a dumb jerk.

Harry was buried in the couch between a mountain of pillows while pretending to play the drums in the air with both his index fingers. His smile kept emerging at random parts of the songs and I noticed things.

I noticed Harry had a dimple when he smiled really big. I noticed Harry's two front teeth were longer than the rest. I noticed Harry had the brightest green eyes. I noticed Harry's nose would wiggle a little when he talked. I noticed the beauty mark near the left side of his mouth. I noticed the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs. I noticed he was wearing necklaces beneath his clothes.

I still am annoyed at him. I am annoyed that he told me he talked about me with Clarissa. I am annoyed that he looked good in that stupid towel. I am annoyed he noticed me checking him out. I am annoyed that he is such a damn nuisance to me.

Harry leaned forward to really get into a mini drum solo before lounging out and spreading his legs while melting into the couch. The orange shorts were still a little too tight but they clung to him really snug while he stretched out on the couch.

"You're tall." Harry looked confused at my sudden vocalization as I spoke my mind and interrupted our fifteen minute silence that was only currently being filled with music. Harry studied my face for a moment before grabbing the bottle of alcohol out of my hand and nodding. "You don't need any more of this it seems." Harry chuckles to himself while I give him a disapproving look.

I couldn't help but giggle myself as I feel my cheeks get flushed the moment Harry's fingers brush against my own while he grabbed the bottle.

It's Harry.

Calm down.

"You are though. It's not the alcohol. You're like... really tall." I continue my intoxicated train of thought. Harry and I had finished almost half the bottle so far by passing it back and forth and playing different records. It's probably been at least two hours of us repeating this process with the occasional moment of the song ending and the only noise being the heavy downpour outside.

"I'm only like six foot actually." Harry shrugs me off and picks up another vinyl to read the back and assesses if he wants to put it on next or not. He vetoes that one and picks up another to judge. "Do you like?" He holds up the vinyl he just skimmed, it was something I didn't recognize the cover of. I end up shrugging and scrunching up my nose in confusion. Harry laughs at the face and blows out a breath.

Instead of putting it on he puts it back down and picks up the original one he looked at moments ago to put on. "You would think this storm would let up at some point. Turns out we are going to have a full on sleepover I guess."

I didn't mean to but I giggled at the funny thought of having a sleepover with Harry of all people. How am I going to explain this to anyone?

I look down at my own mismatched assortment of clothes I found from the closet of the diner. I probably looked wildly sexy in my cheetah print leggings and hot pink off the shoulder shirt that was three sizes too big and read "ORLA O, FL RI A" with the other letters too distressed to make out. I looked like a hot mess and my hair was probably a mess of frizz since there was no conditioner in the shower. Harry easily could name three hundred other girls hotter who he would rather be stranded with right now.

Anchor Grind (H.S. / A.U.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon