Chapter 28

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Poppy was a mess. Mascara was streaming down her face, eyes bloodshot, nose sniffling, and skin flushed from crying so long. I didn't know an easy way to tell her and I did the stupid thing I always do, just blurting it out. "How could he... why... he let me hate her, belittle her, I mean, still fuck her... but he knew. He knew all along! How could he do that to me?!"

Her words were choked out between sobs and her body rocked back and forth while I kept an arm around her. We were sitting on my back porch swing letting the breeze rock us back and forth. Domino chased any and all bugs he would find flying about, Poppy was a wreck, and I was the reasoning behind it.

I felt awful watching my newest best friend crumple in front of me, knowing that there was nothing I could do.

Her stages of grief went as following: disbelief, about to rack a murder charge, denial, realization, sadness, and right now we were at pure emptiness I think.

We were both in comfy clothes, because I told her I just wanted to hang around the house today, since my parents were still gone and I had nothing else to do.

"Why did he do it? Why didn't he ever tell me?" I knew Poppy was asking rhetorical questions but I wanted to give her answers... despite not having any.

I let her rest her head on my shoulder instead of burrowing into my shirt to moisten with her tears like she had done for about an hour now. "What can I do? Was it a mistake to tell you?" I ask hoping she doesn't hate me in the end also, because I know I am just the messenger... but it was a really shitty message.

"It's whatever. I mean, men always disappoint you right? That's what all movies and shows teach me." Poppy uses her hands to start trying to wipe away some tears and compose herself.

I shake my head, "nope. Not all bad. There are some good ones. Niall. My dad. Walter. Uhm... Robin Williams." That awarded me a chuckle from Poppy and it felt good hearing some sort of happiness wash over her.

Poppy sniffles for a few minutes, thinking, waiting, probably having an internal conversation with herself. "You are right. Mrs. Doubtfire was a really good movie and I bet Robin is a good guy. He just gives those vibes. Niall is too much of a dummy to be a bad one. Your dad... well... your parents seem happy so I guess he is doing something right. Ugh. Why do some of the others have to suck SOOO bad!" She groans and throws her arms up, releasing herself from my embrace and shaking the swing.

"Wanna' help me with a favor?" Poppy asks me with a shimmer of hope finally hitting her eyes.

I agree in a heartbeat without even considering what she needed.

"You. Me. Heaven. She's still coming up this weekend remember, so like, a party please? Like a get together. Something. Fun, booze, board games. Pool party. Movies. I don't even care anymore, but let's make it a good one. Like the Halloween party was. Puhhhhhh-lease?"

I hold out my hand to shake on, "dad absolutely would hate this, but what he doesn't know won't kill him. Let's do it Penelope."

Poppy squeals and swats away my hand right as she is about to shake it, all because of my name choice I used on her. "YOU BITCH. OMG, I cannot believe you. That is why I didn't tell you." Her laughter echoed in the small area of the porch and I felt happiness at the sound.

"Okay, that is part two of the favor." Poppy jumps up from the swing and starts to tell me the rest of her plan, of course there is more to it. "It's only Tuesday. So let's spend the next few days finding me a new apartment please and thank you. I am getting the hell out of there and away from that fuckface before I actually murder him."

That's the third time she has mentioned killing him... so I guess if I don't help at this point I might be an accomplice.


By the time Friday rolled around we had found Poppy a job. That was really thanks to Louis though, because he had a hook up at his second job and he got her an in. Poppy will be helping down at the radio station, which is step one of finding a new place to live.

I went with her to look at numerous places, but so far the biggest issue was that all the single bedrooms were bad locations, too expensive, or just crap. Meanwhile, if she had a roommate that would solve practically everything.

The amount of times she has asked and begged me to be her roomie is breaking my heart, because if I could... I would. But I do not make enough for that, I would feel bad leaving mom, and Domino wouldn't let me.

I did offer Poppy to just move in here, because honestly mom wouldn't care, dad is never home, Dom loves her, but.... I knew her answer. Still too close to home and to Liam.

I was currently at Seaside helping with Open Mic as Poppy sat in the crowd, we have been inseparable as she took over one of the guest rooms at mine, refusing to go to her own. Zayn was here, and I could feel the tension when Poppy made eye contact with him. Poppy was no longer team Zayn I am pretty sure and I cannot blame her.

Zayn mostly worked downstairs, lucky, because I didn't really know what to say to him either.

I talked to Heather about everything happening in between the acts, and she also promised to keep her eyes peeled for any places. Sadly she said she totally knew the perfect place, a small two bedroom bungalow type place in her neighborhood, but then I had to tell her it was just Poppy and not myself.

I expected Niall to show up to Open Mic, but he said he was going to hang with the guys and Poppy was totally cool with that. She said she didn't want him to see her so down in the dumps.

I wanted to talk about the feelings I had begun budding for Harry, but it didn't seem like the time. I debated walking over to Grind after work, but was afraid of confronting Harry by myself. These feelings are still pretty new, and I don't totally know what to do about them because nothing has really changed. The only thing is I am starting to notice maybe I have feelings. Other than that there is still Rissa, her drama, Harry not knowing what he wants, and honestly I don't know him still.

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