Chapter 13

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Harry POV:

The moment the sunlight started to break between the clouds I took my chance to leave before Alanis would wake up. I needed to get out of there before I did anything else stupid. Last night was a drunken mess, but I remember most of it now. In the moment I didn't feel like it was a big deal telling her things and being so friendly, but now I am realizing it was probably a fuck up move.

Clarissa finds everything out and if she knew I had a slumber party with a girl she will lose her shit. Hopefully I find her before anyone else does and she hears anything. I can't imagine the tantrum that she is going to have.

I probably will just ask Lou to cover for me and say I was home all night with a headache or something, hopefully she didn't stop by or call and have him already give anything away.

I slip off of the pull out futon thing that we made into a bed the night before and see Alanis turned into a cocoon on her side of the bed. Her bright blueish hair was splayed out across the pillow and her eyes were even darker looking with the little bit of eyeliner and mascara she had on now smudged and messy.

I did mean it, she is pretty. But she isn't my type. Or maybe I just keep telling myself that. Who knows at this point. I have made it a point to remind myself mentally how much she isn't my type that now I am starting to believe it I guess.

I just never thought there was going to be anyone for me besides Clarissa. She was there for me through everything with my family, through my struggles, and back when I was younger. I thought Clarissa was my end all or whatever. Soulmate. Whatever you call it.

I grab the clothes I had on the night before to stuff in a bag I see on the floor and slide on my shoes before leaving the apartment. I pause at the doorway to give one lookback at Alanis who looked small amidst her blankets. The past day with her was so fun and normal and nice. I wondered if this is what relationships could be like? I am too used to mine and the dynamic we have. It's what I thought was normal. I watched my parents fight and yell. I knew that families didn't have to be happy all the time. I can count on one hand probably how many times I remember having a sit down family dinner or even a nice scenario that didn't end in mom crying and dad yelling. That's just how it was.

Clarissa and I have problems, but that's normal. Couples fight. Couples get angry. She calls me out when I am not listening to her, or when I do something that upsets her. Clarissa just likes having her way and I have grown accustomed to that.

I silently shut the door and start the descent down the stairs where I hear someone humming and the smell of fresh coffee brewing. It smells phenomenal.

I made my way into the vinyl store where the lights were still dim and everything had color casted lights shined down from neon lights. I make my way towards the connected store and into the cafe where open mic night was held only days before. "Oh well hell's bells. You scared the white right out of my hair there son. Where did you come from?" said the older man I remember from the stage. I probably looked like a disheveled mess stumbling through his doorway. "Sorry. Uh, I stayed upstairs. There was a storm so we crashed up there to get away from the rain. Alanis said it would be okay. She works here."

"Oh of course. All you had to do was say you are Alanis's boyfriend and I would've saved myself the panic son. Do you want a coffee? I can whip us up some sandwiches before you go. I am sure if you have been trapped here since the storm you haven't eaten properly." He was nice and older. His voice had an old man raspy tone to it and his eyes were extremely crinkled and wrinkly when he smiled. "I'm Walt by the way."

"Like Disney?" Stupid. Shut up Harry. The old man laughs at my comment and slides me a coffee mug filled three quarters of the way. "Well, it's Walter, but I like that better. Just call me a talking mouse, why don't you. There is cream and sugar over there." He points to a small counter next to the register area. The whole café is rather cute and I don't know why we don't come here more, since it's right down the boardwalk from Anchor Grind.

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