Chapter 6

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After waking up to the smell of bacon, I managed to tell Poppy we should make an appearance in the kitchen. Mostly I just wanted to eat, but didn't want to abandon her. In the kitchen we find a very tired looking Niall making eggs and bacon while Liam cooked (burned) toast on the other side of the room. "Bloody hell mate, you would think if all you are doing is pushing the bread down you wouldn't mess up. You're a damn mess."

Liam shakes his head, "yeah yeah I know, just stick to your greasy bacon and stop complainin'."

I groan while rubbing the back of my neck and sliding into one of the stools at the kitchen counter. "I cannot tell you how orgasmic that foods smells Ni." My mouth was practically watering as I spoke.

"Well get ready, it's all almost done, and we have bloody mary's made up in the pitcher. Liam went a little hard with the spice, but they taste great. Best way to beat a hangover-" Niall starts and at the same time Poppy, Liam, and Niall chime in together to finish the sentence, "is to never stop drinking!"

I can't help but laugh at the drunken three musketeers in front of me that were nursing their hangovers with more alcohol. "Liam, you aren't the worst 'cause you were sober mostly last night, but you two do NOT need more alcohol really." I point at Niall and Poppy as I say it.

They both roll their eyes and Poppy saunters over towards Niall at the stove, she quickly grabs a slice of bacon off a plate that was cooling. Once she walks towards me, she quickly takes residency of plopping herself on my lap while snapping the crispy bacon into two pieces, half for her and half shoved into my own mouth.

"What's today's agenda? Didn't you say something about having a report due this weekend Pops?" Liam asks his sister while pausing from his toasting duty to start making bloody mary's for everyone. "Homework, shwomwork. I can do it tomorrow. Plus it's just a report about the usage of foreshadowing in writings. So I am gonna' pick some books I already know and just wing it."

A look of confusion must sweep over my face that Liam notices. "Poppy is doing an alternative school for her senior year." I continue my look of confusion thinking there will be a more in depth answer, but there isn't. Poppy doesn't add to the conversation and it seems the topic is closed.

"I wanna' go to the boardwalk today remember!" Poppy shouts towards everyone in the room. I look outside at the already sunny day, "the weather looks perfect. Plus I want some junkfood. And Niall told me we are going on a ferris wheel so..." Poppy continued trying to convince the room.

I want to, but I also told myself I needed to get a job today. Plus that other thing. "I was debating riding my board today at some point at Grind maybe?" I bashfully tell the room while looking at the floor.

"You mean you wanna' go to Grind and just chill while pussin' out on riding?" Niall teased me in a light tone. I shake my head while Liam brings over two bloody mary drinks in massive glasses. The drinks were topped with olives, tomatoes, bacon pieces, celery, and extra spices. This looked fancy as hell. Meanwhile Niall was already plating the eggs and setting up the four spots around the counter for us to all dive in and eat.

I pull a piece of celery out to start munching while giving Niall a piece of my mind, "actually, today I was gonna' show everyone how much better I am than you." Poppy tries to conceal a smirk while Niall lets out a scoff.

"Bring it then Ironic."

We all eat way too much and probably drink double that, but it was so tasty none of us wanted to stop.

I told the gang I had plans today of attempting to go to one of the music shops I saw off the boardwalk. I skipped the part on how I am doing it in hopes of snagging a job. I have no experience really, but I would be super passionate about it... which would count for something right?

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