Chapter 15

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"This might be the wildest shit I've heard in years. Spill more." Poppy was dunking Oreos in milk while sitting cross legged in front of my bed. We had a movie playing on the tv while the sliding doors were open because Domino had the zoomies going in and out at his leisure.

I ran over to Poppy right when mom woke me up this morning. Mom asked if I wanted to go out to breakfast but I told her I had to talk to Poppy because I needed a girls day and mom was totally chill about it luckily.

So here we were, me with a batch of blue dye on my head, Poppy shoveling chocolate cookies down, Domino trying to hunt down squirrels, and a super wild conversation about the night of the storm.

I was trying to compile my thoughts of what happened that day to explain to her. I told her about the storm, about us going to the store and showering to end up there. I told her he said he told Clarissa stuff about me.

"You thought he was hot though. You said it yourself." Poppy giddily says between bites.

"Yeah it was a millisecond lapse in judgment is all. I saw him come out of the shower and it was like just... ya' know, I forgot who he was and just saw him and he is good looking but then he talks and he ruins it for himself every time." I roll my eyes and continue flipping through the magazine on my bed. I was kicking my feet in the air while laying across my bed debating if I should paint my nails, but worried I don't have enough time before having to wash out my hair.

"Well so, like, he kinda' laid down on me, he like put his head in my lap and was being... I don't know if it is flirty but he was really nice, which is odd for him so it felt different I guess? But right before we were about to fall asleep he waited till we were in the bed and the lights were out and everything and he just like dramatically dropped this atomic bomb being like hey yeah what I told my girlfriend is that I think you are pretty and that's why she hates you. I was mortified. No wonder Clarissa is a bitch."

Poppy laughs and dunks another cookie. "No. Clarissa is a bitch no matter what. But yeah, that wouldn't help. So what, did you do then bang it out? You lost the v-card to Styles? Damn slutzilla! I never would've thought!"

I sat up as fast as I could and playfully shoved Poppy so she toppled forward. "POPPY! NO WAY EW NO!"

We both erupted into laughter but all the noise and commotion sent Domino into the room full of barking and right into berserker mode. He was high alert and running around the room to try and get us to calm down but it probably only was making us more rowdy because we were getting more giggly.

Poppy tried to grab me as I swatted her and I rolled directly off the bed next to her and now we were both on the floor giggling and rolling around while Domino was trying his best to understand why the two teenage girls were losing their minds.

"Could you actually imagine Harry Styles being the kind and gently sweet soul I say, hello, hi, want to deflower me please sir?" I say in the most serious tone I can muster between giggles.

"Fuck. Do not call him sir and do not say deflower in the same sentence. I will call him right now and say that you said that otherwise. Oh my God that is so damn cringey." Poppy tried to sit up and help me up before we stained everything in the room blue. "Jesus you just said deflower. Are you actually a ninety year old woman, Alanis?"

"Maybe!" I say in a sing-song high pitched tone while jumping up to go grab a towel to clean up the little bit of blue I saw on the edge of my bedding. Shhh, mom doesn't need to know about that.

As I sit there doing my Cinderella duties of cleaning my messes, Poppy shuffles off to put away her empty cup in the kitchen along with the remaining cookies in the cupboards. "You think your mom will bring home some lunch if I beg nice enough?"

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