Chapter 5

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It's just after ten and I'm wasted.

I swear this house was empty just like two hours ago, but now it is packed with tons of people and blaring music. I noticed one room has a strobe light and disco ball at one point. We just finished a super loud 'Happy Birthday' singing and cake moment to Poppy while she jumped up and down with giddy excitement.

Tonight, I've met so many people I cannot begin to remember anyone's names. I called a guy Clark because I thought that was the name he told me... it was Chad...Chad not Clark.... Okay Alanis you dumbass.

I did end up learning what Beerdarts were, eventually Niall had taught me. I kicked Liam's ass twice and he pouted about it before sulking off to go flirt with a girl.

Tonight was great. I was having fun, everyone was so nice, and overall I am loving the friends I have made since moving. 

Currently I'm in a heated argument with Louis about whether skating at indoor parks or outdoor parks is better. I'm an outdoor park person, turns out he is an indoor park person.

"I haven't even right seen you skate though. Seems like a 'orrible argument right now to be 'aving when I don't still know if you can orn't not skate really."

"Louis. I will give you a point there. You are right, I am hella' nervous to skate in front of all of you, so you don't know if I can or cannot skate...." I pause to take a drink of the almost empty beer in my hand, I raise my hand to poke at his chest with the next statement in a matter of fact way, "But at least I say my H's and I don't turn TH sounds into F's when I talk like you monster." 

Niall erupts into a laugh while smacking Louis between the shoulder blades, "Holy shit does she got a point. I never noticed you don't say the letter H! Say something else... uhh... say happiness. Or wait, say healthy! Say it!" Niall is egging on Louis who is smiling but rolling his eyes.

"Oi, just 'cause I got a fuckin' better accent than you do ya' fuckin' leprechaun doesn't mean you aren't a little insufferable and hard to understand. You should hear him when he is happy. I swear. The whole fuckin' sentence is one word and you don't know shit of what the fucker even said." Louis instantly shoots back at Niall while grinning a lazy and drunk lopsided smile.

Louis and Niall bickering is now my favorite pastime.

"I am so glad you always demonstrate the millions of ways to use the word 'fuck' for us also Louis. Fucker, fuckin', fuck, are there more we should be aware of?" I tease him.

"Fuck as a verb, fuck as a dirty word, fucker describing a friend, fucker describing someone we hate, such a versatile word really." Niall adds.

"You two are fuckin' annoying." Louis says while playfully shoving Niall away. All of us are laughing before he mutters another 'fuck' under his breath just to emphasize the point.

"Speakin' of, good point though. Why don't you ride in front of us?  Are we too big, bad, and scary?" Niall asks while his laughter was calming down. I take another drink from my beer while shrugging my shoulders, "I just get nervous. There weren't a ton of girl skaters at my old home and so the dudes were kinda' dicks whenever Chris and I went to the skatepark. Chris was also a year younger than me, so like we were the youngest at the park usually too... that didn't help." I explain while the boys both scooped up some of the scary jungle juice into red solo cups.

"Who's Chris?" asked Poppy as she entered the conversation and plucked the newly filled cup of juice out of Louis hand. Louis rolled his eyes and muttered "fuckin' birthday girl" while grabbing another cup off a counter and filling it. "Oh, Chris is Christina! She was my bestfriend before I moved." 

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