Chapter 23

61 4 79

Alanis POV

Niall stops the engine in what I assume is where we are meant to park. It's all street parking or a field about a block away. Niall and Poppy sang along to music from the boardwalk to the house, and now Poppy was practically vibrating in her seat with how excited she was to go party.

The walk to the house was filled with Poppy interlocking our elbows and skipping us down the block. Niall was quickly power walking behind us to keep up.

Niall had abandoned his suit jacket and now was only in his black trousers, white button up, and black tie that was loosened around his neck. Every time Poppy looked at him she started drooling and refusing to keep her hands to herself.

"Pssst, Pops. I need alcohol stat." I whisper over to her in between our bouncing steps.

Poppy beamed a smile back at me, "honey that is the FIRST thing we are getting when we walk into the door. I'll literally fight anyone who stands in my way on the way to shots!!!"

I laugh to myself at the fact Poppy might just be my soulmate reincarnated as my bestie. I love her so much and we are always somehow on the same page. The front door to Harry's is finally in our line of sight, but that isn't where the party is starting tonight. The front yard has a few small groupings of people all dressed up and in little smoking circles. There were vampires, hippies, a disney princess, a way too revealing maid, some footballers, and pretty much any other costume you could see scattered about on the lawn.

The wooden porch had a swing and a few chairs with people also sitting around, holding red solo cups and beer bottles, mingling and talking. I recognize a few faces from the previous parties, the boardwalk, and open mic night. I shell out a few waves and head nods as we pass people, Poppy yelling out to a few people as well.

No one had to knock because the door was already wide open. You can hear the music before making it inside, a mixture of pop hits were blasting through speakers. I would wonder how they never get in trouble, but Louis had told me before that since the houses were slightly spread out it helps, but also the neighbors always come over and join in on the festivities since they are younger kids also.

There were drinking games being played in the kitchen while dancing was happening in the living room. I could see partially into the backyard from the open sliding glass doors. The pool was lit up and there were people jumping in and out just wearing what looked like underwear and bras. I could see two kegs in buckets on the porch, and leaning his tall and slender body across one of them was a very distinguishable British person I was really hoping to avoid for a little while longer.

I stop in my tracks, jerking Poppy backwards slightly. "Goddamnnit." I accidentally said aloud. Poppy looks at me before following my eyes to the same target. "Oh no. What did he do now?"

Poppy unlocks our elbows and uses her hands on my shoulders to turn me facing her instead of Harry in the backyard. I exhale a deep breath and throw my head back reeling in all the events of tonight and trying to decide just what part to tell her about. Do I actually tell Poppy about the kiss?

Niall offers to go and get us some drinks from the kitchen, because there was some of Liam's juicebox stuff already made and he knew we weren't going to be wanting beer all night. In the meantime I make the choice to tell Pops about just what went down at the boardwalk tonight.

Poppy sloshes her juice slightly while bringing her hand with juice in a cup forward dramatically. "Like, a kiss kiss? He just was like, hey I know I am an asshole but here let me lips fix it?!" Niall had come and gone already to rehydrate us twice, and we were feeling it for sure. Poppy and I were sitting at the top of the staircase, partially people watching and partially gossiping back and forth about the recent events.

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