Chapter 7

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Poppy asked me to meet back at the boardwalk by the corndog stand around 8, and I think she is already planning on how to get out of the Ferris Wheel plan. Niall is determined to get her onto it, and I think with a little convincing it will work. All he has to do is bat those baby blues and I think she will cave.

Meanwhile, I'm just hoping I don't get stuck being a fifth wheel with Liam, I overheard him talking about some girl he is meeting there. I have no idea if he is talking about the same girl as the party or not, but I have learned with Liam you don't really get names for girls, only details.

Louis said he was going to come to the boardwalk, but he had to finish work before he could get there. I did find out Louis works to pay for rent with his place with Harry. He works part time at Anchor Grind doing random stuff, but his 'big boy job' is that he works at a local radio station as a nighttime gossip person. Love that for him. Apparently people like it 'cause his raunchy attitude, funny accent, and the way he charms and flirts with women. Why am I not surprised by any of this?

As I stand on the boardwalk fussing with my outfit choice, I realize the night is growing a little chiller and I did not plan accordingly. I wore my slouchy denim jeans that I cuffed halfway up to my shin, some dirty converse, and a tight black tank top that was tucked in. I even made sure to smudge on some eyeliner and find one of my black chokers to really show Poppy I was making an effort without the help. Mom warned me to bring a jacket, guess who didn't listen.

As I continue pulling a few stray white hairs left from Domino off my tank top I hear a loud laugh break through the normal carnival sounds that were happening around me. There were lights, concession stands, kids yelling, couples walking by with intertwined hands, and the smell of nicotine everywhere. I loved the boardwalk honestly.

The laughter continued and my eyes shifted to look up and gaze upon just where the noise came from. I make eye contact with the happiest person I least expected it from. There was Harry with a wide grin, dimpled smile, and laughter that could make anyone think he was almost cute... too bad he is an asshole. He was in black jeans, a white loose shirt, and a red flannel that looked entirely effortless. His arm was perfectly draped across Clarissa who looked wildly unamused by whatever he was laughing at. Her blonde hair was held back by cute clips and she had a baby blue tank top with a barbed wire pattern across it that matched a black edgy skirt.

If I didn't dislike her I would really like her outfit.

I try to look away before I am caught staring but instead I hear Liam shout my name, who was on the other side of Clarissa. Oh joy.

"Lana! Hey, come here! Have you met Rissa yet?" Yes Liam, I have. Did I want to? No. Let's not do this.

"We've met." Clarissa tells him alongside an eyeroll and annoyed tone. She brings her hand up to start inspecting her nails and doing anything to not give me any more attention. Thanks I didn't want it from you anyway.

I turn to Liam and inspect his own outfit choice, an anchor grind shirt and baggy basketball shorts. Clearly whoever he is going to meet with he is not trying to impress too much, maybe it is the same girl from the party. Def not a new random girl, someone he has already hooked up with I am sure.

"Where is Poppy?" I ask him while turning my body away from Clarissa and Harry who have started their own conversation of Harry whispering into her ear while she glares around the boardwalk with disgust.

Why do some people just exude annoyance and hatred? Like where in life is that getting you dude? Do you feel good about being a dick? No. Okay maybe stop doing it? Liam interrupts my thoughts about Clarissa by answering my previous question, "She and Niall came together with Niall's neighbor. I forgot her name.... Oh I think it's Kat or something. I don't know. She's like twelve but she always wants to hang out with her friends and so Niall acts like a big brother for her."

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