Chapter 2

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First thought... well damn I did not need the flannel. But choices were made. I now must deal. I know I am literally like twenty steps from my house... but I already knocked on the neighbors door and it just seems dumb to run back in to drop off the flannel.

I was still wearing my favorite Judas Priest shirt that was a little baggy, over some black skin tight bike shorts that showed up some scuffed knees and a few small tattoos dotting over the bottom of my legs that dipped below my black crew socks and high rise red converse.

And people say us kids have no style today? It's not as effortless as you think to look cool, look like you don't care, and you just rolled out of bed. I have to still try for this okay... I wanna naturally be cool... but like... I'm not. I wouldn't say I am a poser or anything... I actually like the bands of the shirts I own, and I do skate whenever I wear a thrasher brand shirt, but like... come on, no one has that perfectly disheveled hair and the smudgy liner without working at it a LITTLE bit.

Fuck. What if this neighbor girl is super preppy and posh. Oh no. I didn't even think of that before I just came waltzing over here hoping to ask her to join me finding a park.

"Hold on. Be right here!" I hear someone yell from inside as I knock a second time, hoping that my nerves are just playing tricks in my head. I hear a loud crashing noise before the same voice yells out "God damnit. Who the fuck moved..... Jesus Christ. Like honestly Poppy. Get your shit out of the front room. I'm not breaking my neck over your fuckin-" the yelling stopped when the door was thrown open to reveal a brown haired guy wearing a backwards hat and black loose tank top. He had a few tattoos I noticed as well and a scruffy look to him. 

"I don't know dumbass. Maybe just look where you are going then. Then we wouldn't have this conversation for the millionth time." A second voice came yelling, as a girl rounded the corner holding a bag of Doritos. "Who is that?" She looks at me. Neither the guy or the girl have officially even talked to me at this point... only each other. God I hope that this is one of those chaotic and dysfunctional families that always is arguing and stuff, so that I have like a live Jerry Springer thing happening next door to watch daily.

"I don't know. She hasn't told me. What do you want?" He tilts his head to the side and looks me up and down while silently judging.

"Oh. Uhm. Hi. I'm your neighbor." I stutter out, a little nervous at both of their aggressive personalities. "I'm Alanis. We just moved in." I nod my head towards the 'For Sale' sign still staked in our front lawn.

The guy nods and starts to open his mouth but is cut off by the girl who crosses the room to join us in the doorway now, "Shit. Like Morissette? What's that one good song by her... I got one hand in my pocket and the other one... that is what you are named after? The Ironic singer?"

"Well... no. I mean... Alanis Morissette and I are like... almost the same age. So technically my parents didn't even know she existed when they named me. Happy coincidence I guess. Alanis is actually Hawaiian. It uh.... it means cheerful I think?" I explain while they both stare me down.

"So you're Hawaiian? You aren't very tan. You're actually pale as shit. Have you ever stepped outside before Casper?" The guy asked me.

"Damn Liam, shut the fuck up. You are being a dick. Hey Alanis. My name is Poppy. This here is my dumb as fuck brother, Liam. Feel free to ignore him, I do it all the time." Liam gives a fake ha-ha towards Poppy and she shoves him. 

Hell yes. I love them already. 

"Oh shit." Liam says while noticing what was in my hand mostly hidden behind my back the entirety of the conversation so far. "Is that your board? That's a fuckin' Mad Circle isn't it?"

Anchor Grind (H.S. / A.U.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن