Chapter 22

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Alanis POV

The process of finding my way out of the house was eerie due to the noises of the haunted house, but honestly, the vibes made it worse. I don't know what it was about Harry leaving me, but it really left a bad feeling. My mouth felt dry, my hands were shaky, and overall I felt miserable. Maybe this is the beginning stages of a panic attack or something, but I am unsure. I really have only seen and heard of them from tv shows, but this really feels like what is happening.

I stumble my way around the building till finally I see a light at the end of the tunnel, both figuratively and literally. Thank god.

The moment I emerge from the house I am met with the cool breeze of the night air with the smell of the ocean mixing with the carnival treats. It was sweet, salty, and a mixture of all the right things. The sounds were loud and it felt indistinguishable from children yelling on rides, vendors shouting out to onlookers, rides making mechanical whirring, and everything in between.

Speakers that were situated between lights and fake pumpkins bellowed the tune of "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder while a nearby figure hummed along, staring up into the sky while arms outstretched, teetering walking one foot directly in front of the other on the edge of a handrail bannister that was on a pier corner that seemed a little more secluded. "That was fucking mean you know." I shout while stalking over to him. Before he could realize what I was doing I shoved him hard, and he toppled slightly off the rail and onto the ground.

Harry shrugs and doesn't really offer up much in the way of an apology for abandoning me or a reasoning behind it. I was honest with him and all it got me was him to do a disappearing act and leaving me.

I huff loudly while he started to walk away. "Are you serious right now? You just are going to.... Walk away? You wanted me to tell you what was wrong, so I did, and now you just... are giving me the cold shoulder?"

Harry stopped in his tracks. I must have finally hit a nerve. He whips around and I see his face finally, no longer distorted by any of the funhouse mirrors, just Harry. He looked disheveled as he ran a hand through his hair to fix the few pieces that came out of place. "Alanis, you said I am complicated. I am trying uncomplicate things here for you. I left the situation alone and walked away. What do you want?" During his question he came back and approached me, now close once again.

He was so close I could smell the scent of his body wash, I could see the exact tint of green in his eyes, the height difference between us giving me another reason to be annoyed with him. His towering presence made me feel small and insignificant right now.

"What do I want?" I repeated him and he nodded.

I don't know. I don't want to be having this conversation right now. With Harry. A Harry who is with a certain not so friendly Clarissa. A Clarissa who knows how to ruin a life.

"I want.... I want to ride that." I point at the giant swing ride that lifts you in the air to spin around until you feel sick. "That's what I want."

I start to take off towards the ride, not even taking notice if Harry is coming or not. I made a decision and I am going to not let Harry ruin it or this night.

Harry POV

I watch her start to walk off towards the giant death-trap of a ride. Honestly, the girl is ballsy. I don't know if that is what it is that makes me continue to feel drawn to her, but it's something.

She drives me nuts sometimes.

I'm complicated? All I do is show her that I like being around her. I keep hanging out with her. Doesn't that obviously show her, 'hey I like your presence and I am trying to show you that'. If anything, the girl is complicated. Alanis seems like the type to know what she wants but then is too scared to go for it.

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