Chapter 10

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Alanis POV:

"What about these? Can I put them up?" I ask Heather as I yank out some purple toned Christmas lights from an old tote. There was only about thirty minutes left till Open Mic Night starts but I decided to come out and set up with them.

I told Heather and Walter I wanted to work tonight and learn as much as I can because I really was interested in the event. I told them they didn't even have to pay me but of course they both said that wasn't the case. Walter made us all some smoothies and Heather said she is going to give me some of the tips for being here.

With an extra set of hands we got all the control panels for sound along with the band area set up in hardly any time, so I decided to ask Heather and Walter if I can decorate even more. Walter was ecstatic at this idea and they both showed me some boxes in a closet that had totes galore in them. Some of the totes were filled with holiday decorations, party decorations people have left behind over the years, and any other random thing you can think of.

I learned that Walter is practically a dad to Heather at this point in their lives, and a lot of the kids in the area think of him as a grandpa 'cause he has been here since before the Boardwalk practically'. Poppy said she knew his grandson from a few towns over and it reminded me of Walter telling me about him a little.

I pull the totes out one at a time and find random things to my liking that I am using to jazz up the buildings. I found a really cool tinsel and blue beaded door curtain that I put up on the top of the stairs that lead from the cafe into the mic and seating area. I also found Christmas lights that I added around the stage area to give it some extra shine.

My favorite thing so far, I found a disco ball that I convinced Walter to let me put up right in the middle of the stage area that cascades awesome lights across the wall behind the performers. I really want to find some more things to continue adding at a later point, but right now a few people are starting to shuffle in.

I told Poppy I really wanted her and the guys to join or at least swing by, and she said she would do her best to convince them.

"Walt, want a hand?" I yell to him as I carry a tote back into the closet and nod my head towards the small line of people that formed. He gives me a thumbs up before turning to help the next person in line.

I shove the tote into the only empty place in the closet before shutting and locking the door. I scurry back to help Walter, "I'll run the front and you can do the actual food and drinks?" I asked him since he had earlier taught me how his register works.

"You are a blessing my girl." His little old voice cracks a little in the middle and it brings a smile to my face involuntarily. I shoo him off to the kitchen area while I start taking orders and helping out.

Once the line of people comes to a lull and everyone is shifting and making their way upstairs I ask Walter and Heather what the plan for the night was. Walter had an actual staff that worked for him, but Heather ran the shop alone, so I was unsure if someone stayed down here the whole night or what the deal was. Heather explained to me that they keep one person in the kitchen, one person at the register in the cafe, and they just put up a sign that purchases are suspended until open mic night is over for her shop.

"Aren't you afraid someone will steal something or anything like that?" My skepticism comes out strong.

Heather shrugs, "hey if the worst that happens is someone is gonna' rob me of a vinyl then it better be a damn good one and it better enrich their life for the better. You can't sit around and win every battle."

I was shocked at her answer and thought she must be a crazy person. "Plus everyone would be way too scared to steal from us. We are tough!" says Walter as he shuffles up behind me in a silent manner and pretends to scare me. I let out a small yelp at the random intrusion because he succeeded in taking me by surprise which caused a unanimous chuckle between us three at the same time.

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