Chapter 43*

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Harry POV

Her skin was creamy and soft, the most delicate touch would send a sharp inhale through her teeth, like a personal reward. It felt unreal watching her slide a hand under the strap of her own top to tug over her head leaving her sitting in front of me in a simple navy bra with white straps. She looked so beautiful with messy teal hair thrown up in a bun, small pieces falling down around her face, and everything I've envisioned for the past few weeks.

"Are you sure about this?" I have to ask for the millionth time.

From making out on the beach, I never expected the next step to be Alanis telling me we needed to go back to my place. I obliged, but still thought everything from the drive home, packing my car, and getting to my room would ruin the moment and end her trail of thoughts about this entire thing. I was wrong. She practically drug me through my house in breathless mumbles of kisses and asking where Louis was.

"Work. Grind. Then station. Alone."

The only things I could tell her between her lips on mine. What happened to the nervous girl who constantly is shy every time I catch her staring at me, or the girl who pouts when she thinks I am not paying attention to her? Right now she turned into someone who was ready to control the moment and take the one thing she wanted.

"I'm sure." She told me again.

But that's when it finally faltered. Her voice cracked and the façade dropped. I saw the look of unease on her face. "We don't have to do this. We can stop right now." I tell her the truth while taking a seat on the bed next to her. We were both in different stages of undressed, myself only left in boxers and shorts, meanwhile she had that navy bra which in my mind matches perfectly to her underwear, as well as a pair of shorts on. 

Alanis puts a hand on my upper thigh and I would be lying to myself if I didn't instantly notice the jolts of electricity running through my body. She did this to me. Alanis made me so electrified and needy, something I didn't feel with anyone else. Other times sex felt more like a transaction or something to pass the time, but right now this was everything I felt like I needed and wanted. I would be willing to wait if she wanted, but that doesn't mean I haven't used my left hand while thinking about this exact moment for the past few weeks.

"Today is a hard day for you, if there is anything I wanted during my bad days, it was a distraction. Don't you want a distraction Harry?" Her words were hushed but screamed volumes to me. Was she doing this for me? Did she think I needed this?

I pulled her hand into mine and tangled our fingers together, "you don't have to do this for me. I like you and I will wait as long as you want. You just being here is a distraction enough. You made today a lot better than every other year, honestly."

"Good." Alanis tossed her leg over mine and straddled me on the bed instantly, "but this isn't just for you. What if -" she kissed the side of my face near my lips but not on them, "I tell you -" another kiss to my check, "a secret." The last kiss was next to one of my curls before she whispered in my ear, "I've been thinking about this ever since the last time we were in this position Harry."

God damnit.

How do I turn that down?

I gripped my free hand into Alanis's hair and pulled her back to my mouth to kiss again. Her own mouth feverishly worked against my own. It wasn't long before we both had to separate to catch our breath, "Harry, I wanna' do this... with you. Is that okay?"

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