Chapter 9

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I buttoned my khaki's while I could still hear Harry shuffling to get dressed behind me. "Leave before my dad gets home. I don't want him catching you here again and giving me that stupid speech."

Harry doesn't reply and instead I hear him let out a huff of annoyance while grabbing his keys and closing my bedroom door behind him.

Ever since my parents divorced and I lived with dad, things were really relaxed and he was never home, but I didn't want Harry knowing that. I still pretended like dad was around a lot and I used him as my excuse whenever I was annoyed with Harry's presence. Today, I am very annoyed.

You would think after an orgasm I would be more chill, but that wasn't the case. Harry literally went down on me for twenty minutes and gave me a back to back orgasm and I still didn't feel any less pissed off at him.

Why the fuck was he hanging with that fucking loser girl the other day? It's been on my mind nonstop ever since I saw them on the Ferris Wheel with her in his fucking flannel. They looked so couply and cute together, which is infuriating. Everyone around here knows that Harry and I are off and on, but the thing is we always end up back together. Harry is mine.

She doesn't know him the way I do. She wasn't here for him when his parents died. She didn't know him before he had money and owned AG. She didn't know the nerdy, weird, shy, awkward, loser version of Harry like I did. I'm the one who saw through it. I'm the one who gave the kid a chance. I'm the one who taught Harry how to do his hair, how to dress, everything. I'm the one that made him the way he is and now some new girl comes along and thinks 'oh wow look at this hottie, I'm gonna' bag him for myself.' No, I think not.

I told Harry the next day after seeing them together that he had to try really hard to get me to drop the attitude because honestly, that was fucked. I don't care that we aren't together.

I wanted nothing more than to have a girls day filled with greasy food, rom-coms, and complaining but that wasn't really in the cards since I really blew my last 'bff'ship up. Instead I'll opt for some retail therapy by myself.

I pull on a sundress, some sneakers, and a denim jacket before snatching up my keys. I slid into Charlie, my brand new 1998 white Toyota Celica Convertible that daddy bought me after I found out about his affair and got the info that he and mom were getting a divorce. Win-win for me. No more fighting parents, and I get the hottest vehicle in town to have the top down while driving down the strip towards the beach.

I continue to click the next button on each song till I decide the first stop is heading to buy some new cds to listen to in the car. When I pull into the mini parking lot behind my favorite store I notice Walter taking his trash out. I give a short wave and he returns it before heading inside.

Walter and I aren't really on the best terms after he caught me and his grandson making out in the kitchen of his diner two years ago. Luckily it was only Walter that caught us though, because if any of the Anchor Grind guys had found out I was macking on some random dude from three towns over while Harry and I were on one of our breaks I am sure all hell would have broken loose.

I walk through the backdoor of Seaside, and notice that it was pretty busy for a Friday morning, usually it only gets busy on Friday nights for Open Mic night, but today there must have been a new record or something coming out to make a few extra people decide to come in and shop.

"Welcome to Seaside Vinyl's. The sale is on anything with a green tag!" I hear the friendly owner shout from a back room somewhere.

I swerve and make my way instantly over to the section of pop music because if there is anything that will be blasted from my car with the top down it is going to be something fun and happy. I scan through a few cds till I come across the new Madonna cd.

I grab the cd and make my way up to the counter.

"Hey. Ooh, good choice. Is this all for you today?" the clerk asks me. I use my pointer finger to push my hair out of my face and nod a simple yes to her. I wasn't opposed to making small talk but it was not necessary and I wasn't in the mood right now. I pull my wallet out of my crossbody purse along with a strip of gum.

While the lady rings up my cd I start to chew and pop bubbles with the gum in a dramatic fashion. Jesus lady, could you go any slower. I have places to be. By that I mean the mall. Because realistically I have nothing to do, but daddy's credit card was burning a hole in my wallet and begging for me to do some retail therapy with it.

"Just so you know, tonight there is going to be an open mic night upstairs. It's really fun. We do it every Friday night and we do drinks downstairs and stuff too. Here's a flyer." The clerk puts the neon orange paper in my bag to hand back to me along with my cd. "Yeah, uhhh, I'll think about it." I pop a bubble again.

"Great!! Okay well have a lovely day!" Her smile beams at me while I turn to leave, shadowing my eyes from the sun with the back of my hand.

Yeah right, like I'd be caught dead at that lame open mic night thing.

I am going to spend today shopping, grabbing a smoothie, and maybe letting Harry come back over later tonight to sneak into my window and beg to have me back. 

***Author's Note Below***

Yep... first time from Clarissa... and yes, if you hate her, that is totally fine. You are MEANT to hate her. Clarissa isn't a good one. In fact, she's kinda' awful and I cannot stand her. 

Thank you guys for being here and for taking time to read. I loveeee you guys.


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