Chapter 32

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CHAPTER 30, 31, 32, & 33!

Liam POV

I adjusted the collar of my shirt, wishing it was just a little higher because the stupid hickie on the side of my neck was just peeking out and visible if I turned my head. I silently kept reminding myself to keep it hidden because I am not the type to kiss and tell no matter who it is. I never told anyone when it came to my love life and learned that lesson quickly when I was a young kid and had a crush on one of my sisters friends, because apparently that's a huge no and you just don't do it. So now, everything is hushed for me.

I spray myself with the cologne and walk through the mist as it settles through the air, giving myself enough to cling to me all day long. Okay, I was ready.

I start my day by trudging through the grass over to the Carson's house, seeing Alanis's parents walking to and from their vehicle unloading bags, returning from a trip I overheard someone talking about. I knew some of the stuff that had happened recently, thanks to the ever constant gossip train that never ends at the boardwalk.

Did you hear Harry and Clarissa got into a huge fight at Anchor Grind last month?

Did you hear there is a new guy in town?

Some girl named Ivy almost died of alcohol poisoning at a party on Saturday.

Lachlan's girlfriend used to be a stripper!

He did this, she said that, blah blah blah blah.

Louis is secretly dating Harry.

Poppy might be pregnant with Niall's baby and that's the only reason they became official finally.

Justice got in a fistfight with Ashley while Brittany recorded it because they are both dating Leo Combs.

But those weren't the ones that titillate and worked their way into Liam's mind. It was the ones he heard about Poppy and Alanis throwing a party with all his friends, one he was very much not invited to. He knew why. Him and Poppy haven't talked in days, which is pretty odd since they LIVE together. Or did. Apparently she stays at the Carson house more than her own at this point, because he hasn't seen her in almost a week it seems.

It is to the point where it is weird honestly. Liam wanted to know what the fuck Poppy knew or was assuming that made her start acting like this and acting like it right now.

I shaded my eyes from the sun with the back of my hand and used the other to give a hearty wave to Mrs. Carson, "hey there, have you guys seen my sister around by chance? I just got home and she wasn't there so I thought she was probably crashing on your couch with a movie and pizza." I kept my tone light and breezy, because I had no reason to worry... yet.

Mr. Carson was the first one to notice me, turning his head he pulled it out of the trunk of his car and faced me, dressed laid back in a vacation looking outfit made straight for a dad with a button up featuring birds and plants along with khaki slacks he used his hands to smooth them down and walk over to me. "Hello there, I am unsure if we have met or not. Are you the neighbor boy? My wife mentioned you and your sister. Apparently Alanis is always with you two. The name is Michael." He held a hand out for a shake.

I did the same and tried to match his energy, but despite his laid back look he gave a firm handshake and it quickly gave military father vibes. It also answered my mental questions of why I had never met Alanis's dad before. "Yeah, it's Liam sir. I was just hunting down the girls actually. I yelled over to your wife asking if you guys have seen them but she was bringing in bags and I am not sure if she heard me actually."

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