Chapter 19

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Alanis POV

I flip quickly through the records till I come across a familiar favorite. I snatch the Nirvana classic and bring it to the front to hand to Heather.

Last night I stumbled into the house drunk, but mom and dad were already asleep so it didn't cause a scene. When they woke me up in the morning to say goodbye I probably looked just as hungover and shitty as I felt, but they just thought I was exhausted and sleepy. Lucky for me.

I spent the morning watching cartoons on the couch with Domino while eating my weight in peanut butter flavored cereal. Poppy and Niall had their own sleepover last night, and I didn't really want to go to Grind that day, so I just stayed in and was lazy with Domino that night also.

The next day I started to feel a little lonely. I ended up joining Lindsay, our dog walker for her afternoon session with Domino just to get a little human interaction. Once I got home I decided I should do something with my day.

I packed up my nail polish and made my way with Dee-dee down to Seaside. Heather was giving me some friendly advice. I told her about the Hollywood adventure, sparing no details. I asked her what she thought of my costume, if I was being dumb trying to befriend Harry despite all the Rissa drama, and just what the weird situation I keep finding myself in with him meant.

Heather sipped her drink from the café while mulling over everything I told her. Her blonde hair was fastened back with a clip while the curls were big and untamed. She was in a denim skirt and cheetah print top. I loved her style because she iconically looked like she could have been a girlfriend of a member of Mötley Crüe or something back in the 80's with this look.

I handed the vinyl to Heather and she put it on, making sure to turn the volume up for the whole store to jam out with us. It was a pretty busy day since a few new albums had come out recently. "Sounds like someone has a crush."

Instantly I shake my head at Heather's words. No way I have a crush on anyone. "I don't have a crush. The guys here are all idiots."

"I didn't mean you. This boy, Harry you said, are you talking about the boy you also had the little sleepover with?" I whip my head around to where I already know Walter was working behind the counter in the café next door. "How does Walt even know about that?!" I quietly fuss out.

Harry was gone before I even woke up that next morning. I thought he woke up and realized he regretted spending some time hanging out with me and just ditched so we wouldn't have to have any awkward conversations the next day.

"Well, Harry woke up before you that morning, and when he came downstairs he met with the wise sage himself. Of course Walt scared the poor boy off though." The idea of Walter and Harry bonding over a cup of coffee while I was upstairs hungover and sleeping is a little comical. "Yeah, that must have been it." I lied.

"Harry stayed the night though, and then this little Hollywood trip. Taking you to a sex store even? It sounds to me like he likes you and he just might not have the most normal way of showing it." I may or may not have told Heather that Harry is still with Clarissa. I mention they 'did' date... but I never know with them if they are on or off really. Which is really the truth because with them it seems like the whole relationship is like a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off in the worst way possible.

I don't think Heather has any idea what she is talking about, because honestly, Harry doesn't have feelings... well... he does, they just are all about being egotistical, self-centered, jerk with no regard to anyone but himself.

I was just about to tell Heather she was so beyond wrong that it was almost comical but the sound of someone in distress from the other side of the building rang out to hinder me. Over the sound of Kurt singing the chorus of one of my favorite songs, I heard someone let out a shout of 'oh no' followed by some grunts and more shouts. I recognized the voice as Walter, because it was an older sounding gentleman and that really narrowed it down.

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