Chapter 26

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Walter hadn't stopped bringing me food, reminding me to eat, serving me coffees, and being a little overbearing. However, would I trade it for anything? Absolutely not. Walt was kinda' a weird little guy but that's what happens when you have a Grandpa you only see a few times every year and haven't one-hundred percent built up a bond with.

He's a bit more outspoken and a lot better with people than I am.

Currently as I was sprawled out on the rug of the apartment room above Seaside I had on some shorts, low and white, and no shirt. After my shower I never ended up putting one on because I was having a spell.

Sometimes I blame my mom, but I guess it isn't all her fault. A lot of people suffer from depression and mine sparked up the moment I stepped foot on those wooden beams of the boardwalk. It was flashback after flashback of summers spent here, hanging on the boardwalk, beach, with her.

No. I am not doing that. I came to see Walter because of what that weird girl said on the phone, reminding me about the importance of why I should be here and that made my brain to a mental note of putting Clarissa out of my mind and Walter into it.

Honestly, I always knew better than to become some cliche of falling for the girl I met over the summer for a short fling, but it felt so real back then. Clarissa was sweet, beautiful, funny, kind, and insane in bed. When I met her on the first day I can still remember everything.

I was helping Walter and Heather out with Open Mic Night and in walks a blonde bombshell with curls that melted down her back, bright honey eyes, tanned skin, and a perfect heart shaped mouth that spoke so beautifully. She sat on one of the orange cushions by the stage and I couldn't help but watch her with my eyes. The way she tilted her head when listening to the poetry, absorbing it and dissecting it in her mind I assumed. She giggled when Walt would crack terrible jokes and a smile of perfect teeth and crinkled eyes took over her face. She fidgeted with her denim skirt at times to make sure it sat just right to not ride up despite sitting on the ground. I liked the way her skirt was so simple yet her top was a little more complicated with a white tank top and a mesh see through white flowy shirt over it. The white tones simply made her skin look more bronzed and she stole all my attention.

It took every part of my confidence to get up the nerve to talk to her, but I did right before she left that night. Clarissa. That's what she told me her name was, and she never left my mind since.

Went spent a lot of time together between sunset beach dates, bumper car tournaments, stolen kisses, and memories that now seem like a burden rather than something to cherish.

Turns out it's hard to look back on memories when you never knew you weren't the only one making them. "Fuck Harry." I say while throwing my arm over my eyes. If he wasn't around then I am sure Clarissa and I would have worked out, we were happy. But instead I ended my perfected summer walking in on that fuckboy declaring his love for my girlfriend while naked in her bed. I was so pissed that even the next day before I left for home I made an extra stop to say goodbye to Harry at his stupid park.

It's weird, because before that I had hung out with all of them a few times. When coming home for the summers I had spent time with Niall, Louis, all of them but then when Harry came to live here we kinda' started off okay. I just never understood the kid because he seemed a little brooding more often than not, and it got depressing to be around. He opens up some skate park and it turns into the big hang out spot on the boardwalk, and it changed from Seaside hangs to Grind hangs... and eventually I got sick of it.

Who knew while I was cooped up inside resenting Grind, Harry was meeting the girl of my dreams and already starting things with her that would ultimately end in him meeting my fist for an end of summer get together. 

My stomach growls and I realize I hadn't actually eaten today, because so far Walter has brought up coffee and a scone and that didn't appeal to me, I needed real food. I scavenge around the room for my duffle bag and dig out a shirt to toss on before heading down the stairs.

"My boy! Good to see you this morning." Walt bellows from behind the counter and I shuffle into the space. Luckily it wasn't super busy yet so I ask if I could make some breakfast really quick. Walter reminds me where everything was and I offer him a sandwich as well, but he declines me. "I'm happy you're here though. Thank you for coming back."

I pretend to shrug it off, like it was no big deal, but we both knew I was Walt's favorite grandkid and he always was excited when I came back to Venice. Which, I used to love and get excited for also.... turns out things change.

I hear the bells of the front door in Seaside go off and Heather quickly comes walking through the conjoined doors between her store and gramps café. "Mornin' Heath." I call out and she gives me a wave while picking up the iced drink someone had made and left for her on the counter. 

She takes a seat and crosses her legs showing off miles of legs that were wrapped up in some true blue tights. Her sundress had buttons all down the front and she tied up her hair in a messy bun already equipped with an ink pen shoved into it. Heather had that whole 'Pamela Anderson' vibe going on but in a retired from Baywatch and now just living near the beach version. I liked her well enough. 

Heather checks her watch and glances around the room, "hey kiddo' glad you are back for the summer. Staying upstairs I take it?" I nod while flipping my sandwich on the flattop grille. "Well if you need anything you know I'm also just a call away. I got that darn pesky leak that used to happen last summer above the kitchenette fixed. And if you wanna' still help around here you totally can. I hired a new gal, Alanis, she should be here any moment. You haven't seen her have you? Blue hair, cute as a button, sweet but kinda' chatty?" 

Oh yeah. She answered the phone, she knew Walter, she told me she was hired at Seaside. It all jogs back to me. "Haven't seen her today." I answer honestly and start to take a big bite of my breakfast sandwich.

Heather chats to me about some upcoming records that she is stoked about entering the store while I nod along and eat my food. If Heather considers this Alanis girl chatty, then wow... because Heather has that personality trait down hard.

A small knock comes from the doorway and neither of us noticed Alanis standing in the doorway, holding up a vinyl in her hand, "borrow?" She asks and Heather nods.

I put down my sandwich and use the back of my hand to wipe my mouth, making sure I don't have any crumbs, "hey. You're the girl with the wings." I jut my chin to Alanis. Both Heather and Alanis look confused for a moment, but Alanis recovers quickly, Heather not so much.

Alanis nods while smiling at the mention of the Halloween night we met only a few days prior, "Zayn. Remember?" I point to myself, "you're Alanis. Seems like we are both going to be working here together this summer so."

I kinda' trailed off but Alanis took it as an invitation to skip over to Heather and sit down. "Yeah, hey, I remember. I was the one to tell you on the phone to come visit. Can't believe you actually came down, that is so cool. I have heard things about you from Walt! I totally was hoping you would be here today. I have like so many questions for you about what this place was like before me 'cause I heard you used to hang around in the summers."

I was mentally begging she means this place as in Seaside and not Venice, because I don't want to recount my summer memories with Alanis... specially after seeing the fact she is Harry's newest conquest. 

"Well, looks like you are working today..." I hoped that was the case to avoid whatever.... she wanted to know. Heather told me that Alanis was only here for about an hour to help her with an upcoming project she has planned and instead Alanis tells me she centered her whole day around finding me to.... talk.


Heather suggests that Alanis and I go on an adventure and somehow... that is how I now found myself stuffing my feet into rental shoes while Alanis checks us in for lane seven at Lucky Roll Bowling.

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