Chapter 11

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Alanis POV:

"How are you just gonna' say something like THAT and then walk away? I swear he is such a headache. Like okay, I get it if you are this giant flirt because you are kinda' hot or whatever, but honestly, it does not make up for your annoying ass personality." Domino's tail makes a slapping noise as it hits my bed. "I mean, I PERSONALLY don't find him hot. I just know others probably do."

Domino is a great therapist but he doesn't really give me feedback. I was hoping for some sense of advice but was coming up short. His crinkled eyes instead just stared at me with adoration while I rummage around my room searching for DeeDee, I need some skate therapy.

"MOM! Where is my board?! I left it near my desk but it isn't here!" I don't hear a reply to my yell but I knew she was awake from earlier asking me to eat breakfast with her. "Mom" I shouted again while throwing a pile of clothes around the room.

Momentarily later mom materializes in my doorway with an apron that was covered in flour, a mixing bowl in hand, and her hair tied back in a clip. "Honey, what are you shouting about? I was in the middle of making a strawberry rhubarb pie for your father." I scrunch my nose at the sentence while mom shakes her head to my reaction.

Dad and I have a very different definition of what is considered a tasty dessert. Dad likes slightly sour or bitter things, and I like a chocolate cupcake topped with sprinkles, frosting, chocolate and caramel drizzle, next to a pile of ice cream.

I let out a huff while throwing another shirt into a pile on the floor. "Can't find my board. I know I left it here." I throw my hands out to gesture to the desk area where my backpack was sitting on the floor. I tossed the bag down when I got home after open mic night, but cannot remember where I tossed the board.

I got home really late that night because Harry's words bothered me. I don't NEED everyone to like me, but it's hard to have someone hate you when you don't even know why they do.

"If you cleaned your room things might be a bit easier to find, you know."

I shake my head at her advice and shoot her a leering glance that she laughs at while returning to mixing and turning to leave me. "By the way, your skateboard is next to the door darling. Take Domino out before you leave the house, he has a grooming appointment today at 4 o'clock."

That brat. She knew where my board was the whole time.

I changed from the comfort of my baggy David Bowie shirt and black short shorts I wore to bed, to rifle through my clothes for something to wear. I settled on a simple white underwear set that had light blue stripes on the underwear. The set made me feel cute even if I knew no one would see me in it. I tossed on an extremely oversized The Doors shirt that was older than Domino. It used to be black but it had been worn and washed so much that it had a dusty charcoal tone to it now. The shirt meets almost the middle of my thighs, but it is truly the most comfortable thing I have ever owned. I shimmy my way into some tight black biker shorts under the shirt, with just the edge of the seam even visible under the long material of the shirt. After searching I managed to find my high top converse and white socks to finish getting ready. I didn't know totally what the weather was going to be today, but mom mentioned earlier there was the potential for rain, so I grabbed my backpack to throw in a hoodie.

I look at myself in the mirror with a small spin to make sure my outfit didn't have any visible flaws, "Dom, is this okay or do I look kinda'... ya' know... like too much skin? Is it skanky?"

Domino ignores me and jumps off the bed to run out the sliding doors into the backyard as if I was not asking his opinion. "Okay, I'll take that as 'it's fine'." I grab a black watch off my nightstand to put on along with my choker while waiting for Mr. Zoomies to get it out of his system.

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