Chapter 41

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Alanis POV

The smell of buttery popcorn mixes with the sounds of children yelling. The drive-in was it's own place that teetered on the realm of seeming too good to be true, but also a bit of a dump. It's funny to look at the dilapidated shack-like building that houses candy, sodas, cotton candy machines, and so much more. Meanwhile the graveled area is packed with cars and street lights loom in the corners of the lot. There was a metal playground area in front of the screen that children decided to turn into a pit of laughter, shouts, and games.

Harry was in line with Niall grabbing snacks and Poppy was yapping about how excited she was for her job, apartment, and life really. I nodded along as Poppy twirled a strand of chocolate hair around her finger. Poppy was leaned in through the window that was rolled down, warm breezes swirling through the car.

"But then she said she is going to tell him and that's gonna' be a whole thing. I honestly don't know why he would say no. The girl is a hottie and the nicest soul ever. I just wish I could be a little fly on the wall and hear how it goes though, you know?" I must have tuned out and Poppy noticed it, shaking her head at me to catch me up. "Earth to Lana baby. I am telling you all about how Hevs is gonna' ask out Zayn and you're on like Mars. What are you even thinking about? Are you nerrrrrrvoussssss?"

Poppy's voice turns sing-song as she begins to tease me. This is about the fourth time in the past two hours she has done it, asking me if I am nervous about being alone with Harry in a car for FOUR hours. Niall parked right next to Harry, so I know truthfully nothing is going to happen, but of course I am nervous.

"So, it's Halloween... why did Niall pick super scary movies? Does he want me to pee myself in front of Harry or?" I had been thinking about it ever since we pulled in and I saw what the screens had playing.

I didn't hear the shuffling of footsteps approaching, but the thud from Harry setting drinks on top of the car echoes in the space and Niall pops his own head down into my window, thrusting a container of popcorn towards Poppy's hands. "Scary movies scream first date. RomComs screams third date and make outs, so we worked with what we had. I don't want to look over and see you two hooking up okay."

A pack of Milkduds get tossed into my lap as Harry's car door creaks open and he slides into the driver seat. He set both drinks in the cupholders and the cute boy joins me in the car. Harry looked so casual today in his black jeans and baggy white shirt. I loved whenever he wore white because his tattoos were always slightly visible and teasing the appearance of how hot he is underneath everything.

I wished I wouldn't have let Poppy dress me, because I felt a little silly in the denim skirt paired with a striped yellow and coral halter top. It just seemed a little try-hard and I hadn't gotten a compliment from Harry, which worried me slightly but I refused to show it.

"Come on, let's let them get ready for the movie." Poppy tugs Niall's arm and I slowly watch her face turn into a grin with one last wink before they retreat. Poppy and Niall were parked right next to us, but it felt a million miles away when they left.

I fumble with the edge of the candy box, the crackle of the radio playing a trailer for an upcoming animated film that will hit theaters in a month. I must have been taking too long because Harry reached over to grab the candy box from me, "you struggling there blue?"

I didn't reply before he slipped a finger under the edge of the yellow cardboard to peel up the edging and turn it to toss several pieces of chocolate candies into his hand. He popped the sweet treats into his mouth and held the box back out to me with an outstretched arm.

"I could have done it." I replied in a fussy tone, only because I didn't want Harry to think that I needed his help with something so simple and silly like a box of candies. Harry didn't notice my tone, or maybe he chooses to ignore it on purpose, dropping the hand that was extended to instead land delicately on the hem of my blue jean skirt that had been sitting in my closet for months with no attempt to ever let it see the light of day.

This was one of those outfits I owned that mom got me while hoping for a more girly daughter, but since then I have never worn or thought about... till Poppy picked it out and realized it was potentially the "Harry Falls in Love with YOU Plan of the Night" Outfit.

Harry lets out a slow breath of air, "I know you could Alanis. I was just being helpful, put away the claws please. I like this," two of his fingers run down the skirt and land across the bare skin above my knee. The electricity I felt dancing through me was insane but I tried playing it cool. I know the last time Harry and I were close to something like this I was a bit of a drunken mess and it was bad timing, but this is different because this is a date.

It's a date right? We never fully officially said it was or wasn't, but it totally is... right?

"I am just surprised. Denim skirts and lacey tanktops doesn't seem your vibe." Harry raised a brow at me with a crooked smile.

"Don't even bring it up. I think embarrassingly enough I was trying to impress you or something." It was quiet enough to be under my breath but he heard it and met me instead with a small peck on my cheek.

"You impress me all the time."

The air continued to feel thick as Harry let the moment hang in the air, tangling his fingers in mine while we watched the film. Harry didn't make any other moves and neither did I, despite the fact the couple next door was full blown attached to each other's face the entire film. If Niall and Poppy ever came up for air, we didn't see it happen.

***Author's Note Below***

I know this seemed like just a small basic / filler chapter... but they needed at least ONE real date okayyyyyyyyy. I accidentally forgot to post it last week and oops... We are nearing the juicy stuff that actually gets us towards the end omg?!?!?!

I know the lack of smut in this book is probably disappointing, but there will be a little before the end of the book... I PROMISE.... it just isn't heavy into that stuff!

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