
"Jaison, someone removed the CCTV." The person spoke through the phone. Jaison stilled for a moment before continuing to spread peanut butter on the bread slice. He hummed in response before hanging up. He kept the phone on the counter.

"Let- let me do it, Sir." Ms.Ara approached the man who was deep in thought. The calmness he radiated a moment ago was long gone.

"No. I'll do it." He wanted to do everything himself. Everything related to her. In the span of three months he had watched a number of videos about cooking but simply watching wasn't going to make him a masterchef. Unlike him, Mujin was a great cook. He enjoyed cooking and did make a lot of healthy dishes for Akira. She ate all of them with glee. Returning back home Jaison could finally experiment his learning and for the first few trys it was a disaster but he didn't give up. He practiced a lot but didn't make Akira taste the food. He wanted her to taste his best dish. So, all the leftover food was fed to street dogs. Even the street dogs once refused to eat his handmade food. As time passed by they started eating. That was a win for him.

He pressed another slice on the previous one and began cutting the edges. He wanted to make her eat atleast something that was made by him, be it peanut butter on bread. The point was he was the one who put the peanut butter on the bread, so technically he made it. He scoffed at his own thoughts.

Arranging atleast three to four slices more he began walking towards their bed room ignoring the lady.


Mujin pressed onto the brakes abruptly. The car stopped with a jerk making his body bend forward due to inertia. He did not bother to park the car and quickly made his way out. He threw the car keys to the security guard and ran inside the building. The guard was bewildered but was able to catch the keys. He turned to the car and excitedly ran to it. Who would let the chance to sit in an expensive car slip away?

Mujin pressed the button multiple times but the lift was too slow for him. His mind was running a marathon. He groaned loudly and ran to take the stairs instead. Reaching the destination he rang the bell multiple times. His body was sweaty as he breathed heavily to take in larger amount of oxygen. He could feel the cramps slowly building up in his muscles.

The person on the other side opened the door to the apartment. Mujin was about to say something but stopped at the sight of someone he wasn't expecting.
Ms.Ara had opened the door instead of Jaison.

His huffing stopped as his face morphed into a stoic one. He blankly stared at the lady.
Before the lady could even greet him, he beat her to it.
"Where's Jaison?" A chill went down her spine at how cold he sounded.

"Uhm, he is in the bedroom. Its Mrs.Kim's feeding time." Mujin nodded his head and walked past the woman.

He could hear her sweet giggles on the other side of the door. He composed himself and took a deep breath in before gently knocking on the door. On receiving a 'come in' from Jaison he entered the room.

"Who was it Ms- Park?"

Mujin took a moment to take in the room. The last time he entered Jaison's bedroom was when he was in depression and was about to take his life. Mujin wouldn't leave his side for a second. At that time, the room was competely dull and gloomy. It had no homely feeling to it, it felt more like a hotel room.

So much had changed. One of the walls was coloured with bright colours with small paintings here and there. The paintings weren't professional, they were made by Jaison and Akira together but they were still beautiful to look at. There were so many pictures hanging around the room. It finally felt like home.

Mujin's attention was grabbed by Jaison's second call to him. He snapped out of his thoughts and walked towards the bed. Akira was sitting with the support of the head rest with a blanket covering her legs while Jaison sat on the blanket with his legs crossed. He fed her another bite.

"How are you, Buttercup?" Mujin asked as he crouched down.

"I'm absolutely fine. You guys are the ones who think I've still not recovered." She spoke cutely while chewing. The men Lovingly stared.

"Your body is still weak, Ms. Wonder Woman. No working and studying till you're back to normal." Jaison said sternly feeding her another bite.

"He's right." Mujin chuckled when Akira glared at him.

"You just proved that you'll always side with him." Akira said dramatically.

"Thats not true. If he's wrong I'm the first person to thrash him." Mujin said proudly.

"Yeah, yeah. Like I will believe you." She jokingly rolled her eyes. It was actually hard for her to believe that. She never saw them fighting or even be on bad terms." You'll always put him first." She said seriously, admiring the bond that they shared.

"That I can't deny." Mujin mumbled under his breath.

"No talking while eating." Akira glared at Jaison. He was literally treating her like a five year old." What brings you here, Park? You seemed to be in a hurry." Jaison asked. The constant ringing of the bell and his disoriented figure made him question.

Mujin's face turned blank as he realised the reason for his sudden visit." Oh, its just work stuff. Can I talk to you?....Alone." The texture of the bed sheet was really inviting for Akira at the moment. She did not want things to be awkward so she pretended to not hear him as she played with the sheets.

Jaison looked back and forth between Akira and Mujin before he stood up. It must be something related to the accident. He collected the plate and planted a kiss on her head before leaving the room along with Mujin.

Mujin made sure the room was closed before he dragged Jaison to his study. Closing the door behind he took his phone out.

"What is it, Park?" Jaison was confused by his behaviour. Mujin looks up meeting the confused, anticipating eyes. He put his phone forward. The familiar car came into sight. It was a screenshot of the CCTV footage zoomed to the car's number plate.

"The car that hit Akira that day....." He paused."...it belongs to Ms.Ara."



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