chapter 40- this couldn't of happened any other time

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"Do you mind if I go out?'
Dianne was stood at the bedroom door, dressed and ready.
It was unusual. She seemed eager, like she had lots of energy.

"Where are you going?"
Joe sat up from where he was laying in bed, still not coming round from his nights sleep just yet. She was the total opposite. An early riser.

"I just want to go for a walk"
She shrugged. Bur he didn't reply to what's he thought was a very valid answer, so contuined...

"I'm just going to go round the houses and stuff and through the field"
They lived in a cute little neighbourhood off the back of rolling hills. It was a nice place to live and they found that one of their favourite pass times was going on cute little walks around where they lived. It was normally an after dinner activity, especially around this time of year when it got darker later but today, dianne seemed to want to go out at just 10am.

"Oh ok, give me 20 minutes and I'll be ready"
He brought the duvet back climbing about of bed but she stopped him.

"I'd like to go on my own. Well I am. I just wanted to tell you where I was going"
They had conversations about this previously. They needed a good balance in their relationship and dianne found that having time to herself definitely helped that. She always went to bed earlier and woke up earlier than him and that time in bed by herself and in the morning was so precious to her. She loved it. She also loved spending time with him but she didn't want to be constantly attached at the hip. They needed to have time alone to reflect for themselves.


"What do you mean, why? Because I want to"
She answered in a slightly snappy tone, almost not quite believing why he was asking.

"Let me come with you, I won't be long. Im not letting you go out on your own"

"No. I want to go by myself"
She was already ready to argue. She was stubborn and even more since becoming pregnant. They had set clear boundries about the space they gave eachother and he was crossing them already. She needed to put her foot down to make sure be understood which he clearly at the moment didn't.

"You're 7 and half months pregnant dot. You've been in pain the last week, you're massive, and you want to go on a walk in rolling hills?"
He questioned her. It seemed to be his reasoning for not wanting her to go out on her own.

"I'm massive?"
She stuttered, her top trembling instantly.

He knew exactly what he had done seeing her react in this way. They had argued about this before and he alhad admitted it was a careless mistake. He hadn't thought properly. Now it seemed to be replaying over in her mind, in a way he didn't mean.

"No, I don't mean like that. I'm sorry, I just mean like you have a bump now that's quite big. What if something was to happen to you?"
He tried to be apologetic because he was. He knew he had upset her with yet another careless comment but she misinterpreted alot of the time. He didn't want her to take it the wrong way. They had argued in a while and it was good for them. They had been so loved up, in a bubble they didn't want to pop but now, it looked like he had and not intentionally either.
He knew she had been alot more sensitive since getting pregnant. Her hormones were all over the place. But she would always get defensive when it came to comments about the way she looked.

"I don't care about that. Thanks for reminding me that I'm 'massive'"
She quoted him, only making him feel more guilty for his use of words. He wanted tk take it back but it was too late now. She was easy to trigger as a result of his own actions and he had set her nerves on fire, there was no going back now.

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