chapter 25- tension at the worst of times

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⚠️I dont know what kind of trigger to put on this but this chapter does contain things that some people may find triggering. Please click off if this gets too much for you⚠️

Waking up on the next tuesday morning, a week since telling all their family, joe slowly peeled himself off dianne managing not to wake her and trecked downstairs. Deciding to make her decaf coffee she had every morning, he grabbed a bowl, piling up some blueberries and slicing a banana for her. He knew it was the little things that made her happy and it let her know that he really cared. Taking the cup from the coffee machine, he took it back upstairs to her, to his surprise see their bed empty.

He called out, a little confused as to where she was at first.

"Hang on, I'm in here"
She called from their ensuite. Placing down her coffee and bowl of fruit on the table beside her bed, he sat and waited for her prolonged exit from the bathroom.
Eventually, after a few minutes, she slowly opened the door, a sad look on her face.

"What's wrong?"
He could instantly tell she wasn't ok from the look on her face. A mixture of panic and sadness, immediately making him worry.

"I'm bleeding"
She stuttered, speaking quietly, folding her arms across her body not knowing what to do or how to react. She knew it could dangerous in pregnancy but she didn't know what it meant.

"What do you mean you're bleeding?"
He asked his face turning to match her panicked expression.
She couldn't speak, a few tears escaping from her eyes instead and rolling down her cheeks quickly.
This was her worst fear.
She didnt want anything to go wrong. Now she was pregnant, that was how she imagined her life to be. She wanted them to be happy.

"Hey, hey, you're ok. We'll sort this out, you'll be fine"
He came to hug her, dianne breaking down againts his chest, tears becoming very uncontrollable very quickly.

"Shhh, I've got you. Take a deep breath"
He looked at those honey brown eyes, eyes that were on only filled with fear.

"What if somethings wrong? I cant be losing them now. They've been perfect so far, what has gone wrong?"
She cried, her words stuttering as her breathing got heavier and heavier.

"Don't worry we'll get you to a hospital and you can get checked out. Just get ready ok, and we'll go down there, it will be ok"
He assured her but the thought of something being wrong with their baby was overwhelming. It was the unknown that scared her the most. She knew that bleeding in pregnancy was normal but sometimes it could be dangerous and it was not knowing that was scaring her.


"Do you need me to get you some clothes?"
He asked wanting to help her as much as he could. Nodding, being unable to form any words, she took the leggings and hoodie he had given her and tried to put them on but the emotions were too much. Feeling like her chest was closing in on her, more tears escaped as she stood frozen in the middle of their bedroom.

"Dot, just look at me for a second"
He placed his hand on her back, turning so their eyes could stare deeply into eachothers.

"I know this is stressful and you're worried but you need to calm down. It's not good for you"
Her heart began racing, as she thought about what he had just said. Her anxiety had come over her and any help he was giving was turning into her infuriation. Shaking her head at him, her tears suddenly stopped as her anger bubbled up and over flowed.

"Calm down..."
She questioned him, taking a step back.

"Yes dot, it's not good for you. You're just stressing yourself out even more"
He told her. He saw himself coming from a place of care, not wanting her to get worked up to the point where something even worse happened.

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