chapter 9- isn't it crazy how the world works?

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It was joe....

And as he walked closer and closer, those eyes looked deeper and deeper into his. It was still a look of love. He hadn't stopped looking at her in that way. With so much love and admiration. It was like behind that a part of him didn't hate her. Of course it did though. He was heartbroken at a result of her decision to end their perfect relationship.

He came closer and for the first time in what felt like the most painful lifetime apart, he spoke.

"Fancy seeing you here"
He came to stand next to her, but there was no feeling, even though they both wanted there to be. Neither of them knew how to make the next move. In the middle of london on a cold December night, with both of them slightly drunk wasn't how they expected to next see eachother.
It wasnt conventional and with diannes uber just over 5 minutes away, this initially seemed like it would be a quick awkward chat and that would be it. Or so they thought...
If only they knew about the night they were about to spend together...

"Yeah, crazy how the world works, isn't it?"
Not even a simple hello was exchanged between them. It felt awkward. Neither of them knew what to say and it was therefore quiet for a few moments between them. Dianne could feel her heart begin to beat fast, almost as quickly as his as she realised what was really happening. She was stood infront of the man who had made her feel the way she was feeling that night, but still a part of her was so madly in love with. She didn't want to admit it though. It felt wrong. She ended their relationship but her heart still longed for him.

"So is it you find yourself here in London, in that bar, today?"
She asked nervously, folding her arms across the front of her body.

"I erm...its caspars stag do, but I wasn't really feeling it so I'm going to go back to my mums. Find a train or something"
He told her. She remained quiet for a few moments before speaking again.

"So you feel like I do?"
She asked nervously. They hadn't even been in the presence of eachother for a minute and things could get deep already.

"What, like completely and utterly shattered because you haven't wanted to get up and out of bed for the past three weeks since your so heartbroken and it just hurts to the point where you want to run away from it all?"

"Exactly that"
She looked down sadly.

"I was erm...on ambars hen do, but I'm also leaving"
She admitted.

"Ha, how the stars aline"
Joe's very small laugh wasnt like normal and dianne noticed that instantly. He wasn't happy.

"I suppose...if you'd like"
Dianne stuttered nervous about what she was about to say knowing she hadn't thought it through and could regret it.

"I'm getting an uber and I dont mind you joining me, instead of getting a train. And could stay"
She suggested making joe smile inside. She wouldn't invite him home, if she didn't still feel something between them.

"But in the spare room...obviously"
That didn't hit him in the way he expected. He was just happy to go back to his own house and more importantly with her too.

"And just for tonight, of course. I erm...I'm going to Australia on monday"
That was what hit him. He knew they would no way be spending Christmas together but to hear her say she was going to Australia and in just two days aswell, it made him realise that this really was over (for now at least). She would be thousands of miles away from him, with her family, not with his like they had been planning all year.

"You're going to Australia?"

"Yeah...for Christmas"
She told him.

And it was then they were interrupted by diannes uber coming to a stop on the other side of the road. The uber they got into together....

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