chapter 24- the news is out

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Week 11.

And what a week it was going to be.

Sitting down next to joe with nothing but nerves piling up inside of her, she came to rest her head on his shoulder to try and settle those nervous feelings just knowing that she was about to make probably the most important phone call of her life.

"I dont think I can facetime them. It just scares me seeing their faces because I dont know how they will react"
She was scared. Having finally decided to dedicate today to telling their families about the baby, they knew they had to get this conversation over and done with.
With her family being in australia they would have to call all them but with Joe's family it was a little different. However in the end they decided they would also call Joe's family and not tell them in person.

"We dont have to facetime, we can just do a normal call and remember you can tell them as much or as little as you want. You dont have to say anything that scares you"
He reminded her. They had, had alot of conversations about what they wanted to say and how much they wanted to share. Alot of their relationship since getting back together had been kept secret out of fear that something bad would happen again and even though they were both very close with their families, especially dianne, there was things they wanted to keep just between the two of them.

"I'm so scared. What if they think that we shouldn't be doing this? What if they dont want to be apart of their life because of how this has come about?"
She panicked. He hadn't seen her this nervous in a while.

"They wont dotty. You're their little girl, they love and care about you so much. They will want to support you"
He tried to assure her. She knew deep down they would help her and be there through all of this but that still didn't stop those feelings. She had felt the same way when he met her parents for the first time. Even though she knew they approved because they had seen how happy she had been at Christmas, there was still a little bit of doubt in her mind. What if they met him and their opinions completely changed?

"I know but they have very traditional values when it comes to things like this. There are some members of my extended family who I know love me but would actually find that were having a baby which lets face it is an accident and whilst were not married, quite sinful to be honest. And I dont want them to think of me like that"
She began.
"I hate using the word accident because us creating a whole human life isn't an accident but me falling pregnant while were not together was. It was never meant to happen. And I dont want them to think that their innocent little girl is...I dont know how to word it but theres just something about your mum and dad knowing that you're doing not so innocent things that's weird. Especially when we weren't together, that just makes it sound even worse"
Trying to think of ways to calm her down so this could be a more exciting and memorable experience for her, he took her hand.

"I know what you mean but I think your parents are aware that you're an adult and therefore you do adult things. Its know its awkward but its nothing to be ashamed of. Your brothers managed to get through telling them they were going to become dads and they weren't exactly disappointed, were they?"

"I know but they were both in love joe. They had children out of love. And you know how much I dont like using the word mistake or accident but this accident. It was never meant to happen. We weren't meant to be in this position"
She told him.

"What is it that's worrying you exactly though? I can see theres something deeper in there thats bothering you"

"I just never imagined it being like this. I thought I would stop strictly one year, we would start trying and once we got that positive test be happy and everyone be happy for us because they were all expecting it. This isn't how its meant to be going but it is"
She explained.

Lessons in love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora