chapter 38- i love you part two

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From the title of this chapter, I think you can all tell what this is and i feel you've been waiting for it.
So here it is....
I love you part two

Week 30 was definitely going to be exciting but to start it off like this wasn't exactly what dianne wanted.
It was around thes point she would of expected to get tired, wanting her baby here more than anything but all she could think about was the strong strain pulling from the inside of her leg that had kept her awake all night.

She had woken her Joseph. Despite it being probably the worst pain she had felt over the course of these past 30 weeks, she didn't want to worry him and whilst he slept peacefully on the opposite side of the bed, she had tried her best not to scream out in pain. It was a sort of cramp like feeling, something which felt like a string pulling all of her muscles upwards. She knew it was a common symptom around the beginning of the 3rd trimester, which she was 2 weeks in to now. Instead of waking up joe to only fill him up with panic, she got out of bed, trying her best not to disturb him and made her way downstairs. By now, it was 5am.
She had been layed there a few hours being completely restless, but now she could barely handle the pain.

Coming to sit down on the sofa by herself, she pulled a blanket over her knees and tried to curl up in a position she found comfortable enough considering this cramp like feeling traveling up and through her legs. She sat there in the cold, the sun only just beginning to break out across brighton and so she took a moment to herself.

In just 10 weeks time, it wouldnt be as quiet as this. Her whole life in the next 10 weeks would change so dramatically and two would become three. It was hard to comprehend but she knew she had put herself in this position. When she looked back to what had happened between her and joe, she knew now, it was quite stupid. Of course he had hurt her by saying what he had said and she hadn't forgotten it but to break up with him she knew was a huge mistake. It had been careless. If they had managed to resolve their argument they could of been a whole lot better now but in a way she had also been glad it had happened. Those first few months had been the hardest of her life. The amount of guilt she had felt had been so tough. She regretted what she done but she couldnt go back, it was already too late. However if it hadn't of gone exactly how it had, she wouldn't be pregnant now.
She felt a little guilty thinking it because she didnt want something this big to happen to be what saved her and Joe's relationship, but she hoped that once the baby was born, that would be it for them. It would be the thing to make them realise how much better life was with eachother in it. Having a human that was half of her and half of him, could just make them realise, they were meant to be. What had happened never should of, but they were glad it did because they were getting a family out of it.

It wasn't exactly how they imagined it to go though. When they had talked about having kids before, it was always the same conversation. When they felt the time was right, Dianne would leave strictly and they would start tehing to hopefully one day have the family they had always spoken about having. The family they had wanted when they brought the house she was currently sat in. This was the complete opposite of what had happened. The pregnancy had been unexpected, not a drunken mistake but definitely a surprise. They hadn't been together. It wasn't what either of them had ever imagined. Despite that though, they had found moments throughout this pregnancy to be perfect. Of course they had their ups and plenty of downs but he had always been there for her making her feel, in moments, like she was the only girl in world. He had tired his best and she knew how hard he had tried to show her that their relationship was worth it. He had only ever wanted to help and even though she had been mad at him for wanting to sometimes, he had been nothing but kind.

He was going to be a great dad. She knew that. He always was going to be. She knew the moment where she saw him with their little girl for the first time would change everything. No matter what terms they were on when she was born, he was going to be there and he would always support her, aswell as their little raspberry.
It was something she didn't want to wait any longer for. Seeing them together, the three of them as a family, would give her a whole new feeling of love she had never experienced before which she couldn't wait to feel.

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