chapter 27- here we go again

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Sorry this chapter is up very late and it's also been a week since my last chapter. I have had this pre pared for weeks but I kinda forgot about this book as I've been working on something new to bring out once this is finished. Then I got confused and came up with another idea and I dont know which one is better. I have decided to neglect both and come back to this so here is this chapter....

Opening the door to their bedroom, joe smiled at the sight before him.
She was still asleep. It wasn't often she slept in past 8am, or even 7am but today was different. She was still curled up at half past 8, arms wrapped around her sloth, americano, and duvet pulled up to her chin. He had once been layed next to her but having woken up he had already made himself a coffee and breakfast, leaving her to get the rest she needed. Being 14 weeks pregnant wasn't easy after all and he couldn't take the pain she was in away from her. The baby was constantly bouncing on her bladder now and her newest symptom seemed to be backache. Her morning sickness had eased off which was a good sign but she now had alot of pains to deal with. Alot of her symptoms seemed to be on the outside of her body when before it was on the inside.

"I can see you staring"
Her voice muffled againts her pillow making joe giggle before he came to sit next to her on their bed.

"Sorry...its nearly 9 you know. I didn't know if you wanted to get up yet or stay asleep for longer, remember we planned to go shopping"
He reminded her. He was sure she hadn't forgotten though. She had been so excited to go and look at prams, even though she was still quite early. She wanted to look at these things because it made her excited. She wouldn't wait until she actually had everything ready.

"I dont want to go shopping anymore"
She mumbled, still sleepy, burying her head into her pillow further.

"Why? Are you ok? Are you achy?"
He asked her.

"A little"
She replied before he placed his hand on her lower back, rubbing it gently. She hadn't turned to look at him yet, she just wanted to stay comfortable. Today was definitely a duvet day, or so she hoped.
There hadn't been many days like this so far in her pregnancy. Days which she had spent curled up in her, unable to move. Even though she did have some horrible morning sickness, she always managed to get out of bed and cook dinner, or go to the shops or do something around the house but today was different. She just wanted to lay in bed and watch movies with a hot water bottle pressed againts her back and have cuddles with her Americano. It wouldn't be like that though. This was a rollercoaster and it was taking another drop. A big drop. The biggest yet.

"Is there anything else? Would you like me to get you some food or anything? Maybe some lemonade, that always seems to settle your tummy"
He suggested.

"I don't feel sick"
She told him, finally rolling over to face him.
She looked tired but more importantly sad.

"I saw this comment on my video from a guy....a much older guy"
She began, debating whether to tell joe as it could go two ways. They had been having similar conversations all week. Floods of messages had been coming in on their pregnancy announcement posts and even though 99% had been positive, there was the odd few people who seemed to have problems with it, and those were the comments dianne constantly found herself looking at.

"I deleted it now but it said something along the lines of ' I wouldnt be surprised if shes not actually pregnant, shes left strictly, broken up with joe and needed to find a reason why she's put on so much weight. I dont blame her when shes broken up with joe who is now just taking her back because shes having his baby which is definitely a mistake. Thought this was meant to be the couple that everybody loved and now their not in love anymore and are having a mistaken baby which will have to grow up with its parents outing online that they hate eachother and that they were never meant to be here but actually are because their parents had been so careless"
She reiterated. She had remembered it word for word, having read it over and over, time and time again.

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