chapter 23- that magical moment

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"Its cute isn't it?"
With his hand place delicately on her back, joe smiled at the small baby grow she had picked up off the shelf. Having deliberately making themselves early for their 10 week scan, they had made their way into a cute little boutique selling handmade baby clothes and accessories.

It had been a stressful day so far trying to get ready for the appointment at 3pm. Even though they had both been up at the crack of dawn, alot of nerves had come over dianne about having this ultrasound. Joe would be there for the first time and even though she wanted him there she was nervous. It was an excited nervous though, so she had been happy when he had suggested they leave early to go and look at some baby clothes and potentially make a purchase, the idea of having the first little few things being so exciting.

"Its so sweet. Tiny though"
She looked at it in more detail. It was only a simple white onesie with round buttons and frilly ends at the hands but the fragility of it was making her fall in love.

"Yeah but you got to remember this is really how small they're going to be when they're here. So small"
He reminded her. He couldn't actually beleive that their baby would be here in just 6 and a half months time. 2 and a half down, only just about half a year to go. It was scary but also moments like this excited him. He loved seeing her happy which was what she had been the past week.
They hadn't addressed their last therpay session much, deciding that the 'I love yous' would come naturally but they both knew there was definitely that feeling growing. They seemed to be in a little love bubble and had been for the past few weeks but that word was too scary to throw around.
Dianne had been trying to be alot more open and forgiving, which had allowed joe to feel more relaxed and therefore he could open up more to her. She had began to understand that domino effect, where if one of them made the first move, the other would follow and it seemed to be working.

"I think I'd like to get this one"
She smiled placing it carefully into the basket.

"And they've got matching hat and little socks"
Both with lace trims, she was smitten by the very simple three peice outfit.

"I like them too and they all match"
He added watching as she smiled at the rows of clothes infront of her.

"Its so crazy that this will very soon become our routine, buying all these clothes and other things. Theres so much we'll need to get: like a pram, a car seat, toys, a cot, bottles"

"Theres so much to think about. We dont even know what they are? What their little personalities going to be like? What are they going to like? Who will they take after? What colour eyes and hair will they have?"
He listed, he could go on.

"They're going to have red hair obviously"
She giggled, flicking her ponytail to the side.

"With very dark roots clearly"
She hadn't been paying much attention to her hair recently with all the morning sickness she had been experiencing. It was the only thing that had been making these last few weeks alot less enjoyable. Joe had been there though and had been alot more supportive being by her side each time.

"Well that doesn't matter, you still look beautiful"
He assured her.

"Thank you"
She smiled.

"If you ever cant keep ontop of it, just know I would still fancy you with any colour hair"
He made her smile even more, the love bubble feeling they were in slowly becoming used to her.

"Honestly if you ever wanted to ditch the red, I wouldn't mind"

"That's cute thank you"
She smiled, her thoughts running wild in her head. She knew eventually one day she would go back to her natural colour but for now her red hair was something that made her the person she was. It was part of her and she didnt want to say goodbye to it just yet.

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